What did you do at school today? NOVEMBER edition

mardi, le 1er novembre:

We began the day in the computer lab.  We are learning to use PowerPoint to make a slideshow presentation which we will be doing in a few weeks in Social Studies.  Today was just getting familiar with the program and testing out different effects.

In français, the students used one period to practice and prepare for their weather forecasts.  In order to be most effective, they will need to memorize their presentation.  *Presentations will take place on Monday next week rather than this Friday so they can use the weekend to memorize.

In Études Sociales, we spent some time learning how to use a French/English dictionary properly to help them when reading new Social Studies texts in French.  We continued to learn about the main industries in Nova Scotia.

In Science, Ms. Takahashi has them working on creating their own Science games.

In Math, we learned how to use a protractor to measure and draw angles.  This will require a lot of practice for the students to become more comfortable with using a protractor properly. See Nelson Math 4, pages 192-194.

In English, I gave them time to work on their book talks. We will be sharing our book talks on Friday, November 4, 2016.
They also got their Weekly Spelling List #5.

mercredi, le 2 novembre:

The students has Art this morning with Mr. N.

Next we had one class period to work on the weather forecasts.  They should be practising them at home nightly to be prepared for their presentations on Monday.

They had Library with Mrs. McCann.

Then, in Science, they continued to work on their review games for Rocks and Minerals.

We played some angle games in the Computer Lab to help reinforce what we began yesterday in Math at www.mathplayground.com.  Back in the classroom, the students did more practice using protractors - this time, they used them to DRAW angles.  They have more practice for tonight at home.
*They will be having a short quiz tomorrow to see how they are doing with 2D Geometry so far. It will include: lines of symmetry, types of quadrilaterals (sorting and classifying), congruent and similar shapes, and measuring angles.  For more at-home review of these concepts, visit www.math4.nelson.com/studentcentre/studtryout.html and try Chapter 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, and 7.7.

In English, some students worked on their book talks (to be shared with the class on Friday) while I worked with small groups to discuss the novels they are reading in class.  Ask them to tell you about the novels they are reading.

I have included a copy of the success criteria for the book talk.

jeudi, le 3 novembre:

In French, the students continued to work on their weather forecasts.  Most of them now have their scripts written and now they need to begin memorizing.  They should have their script at home and should practise for the next few days.  They will be presenting on Monday.

In Social Studies, we learned about some of the rocks and minerals found in the Maritime region.

In Math, we had our 2D Geometry quiz.  No Math homework tonight.  I will be returning their quizzes tomorrow with feedback.

In English, the students used their time to rehearse for their book talks which they will be sharing tomorrow.  Have them run their book talk by you tonight.  See yesterday for the criteria I will be using to assess them.

vendredi, le 4 novembre:

We began the day in the Computer Lab, working on prodigygame.com to reinforce our basic Math skills.

Next, the students had one class period to rehearse for their Météo presentations which they will be performing on Monday.  I am so excited to see what they are going to share!

In Social Studies, we continued to talk about the Maritime provinces and their industries.  There will be a short "Show What You Know" / "Montrez Ce Que Vous Savez" next Thursday, November 10, 2016 on les provinces maritimes.  We will be reviewing the important points each day leading up to the quiz and they should be reviewing their notes each day leading up to Thursday.

The students had Music today with Mr. Rozehnal.

Then I returned their 2D Geometry Quiz and we went over it together.  Please ask your child to see his/her results.  It also helps if you could get them to explain where they went wrong.  I am always available after school for remedial help.

In English, about half of the students shared their book talks today.  We ran out of day so we will continue with the rest of the presentations on Tuesday.  (Not Monday because they have their French presentations on Monday and I don't want them to have to do two presentations in one day.)

Spelling test #5 is on Monday.

lundi, le 7 octobre:

Today, the students shared their La Météo presentations.  It took all morning and some additional time from the afternoon.  I was really impressed by some of the hard work they put into them.  Bravo! 👏🏼

In Science, they are continuing to create their Rocks and Minerals games.  They are due next Monday.  Here's Ms. Takahashi's rubric:

In Math, the students are working on a culminating task from Nelson Math 4:

Due to the French presentations taking up part of the afternoon, we did not have time for our spelling test today so we will do that tomorrow.  With an extra night to prepare, let's hope we all do well!

mardi, le 8 octobre:

This month, we have the laptops in the classroom and we will be using them as much as possible. This morning, I taught the class how to log on to their AW account from home, how to create and share a Google Doc, and how to comment on a document which has been shared with them.  Several of our upcoming tasks will actually be done in Google Applications and will be completed and assessed electronically.

In Math, the students were given class time to finish the Chapter Task (see yesterday).  Anyone who did not finish in class today will need to finish it for homework tonight.

In English, we continued our Book Talk presentations.

**Reminder that the students have a quiz in Sciences Sociales on Thursday.  They must review their notes on Les Provinces Maritimes and Nouvelle Ecosse.  They can use the following questions to help guide their studying:

Où sont situées les provinces maritimes?  

Les provinces maritimes sont à côté de quelle océan?

Combien de provinces maritimes y a-t-il?

Nommez les provinces maritimes.

Quelles sont les industries importantes dans les provinces maritimes?

Donnez des exemples de la pêche.

Nommez une autre industrie importante et donnez un exemple.

mercredi, le 9 novembre:

In Études Sociales, we reviewed for the quiz on Maritime provinces and their industries.

In français, we learned Au Champ d'Honneur (In Flander's Field).  All Core French and Extended French students will be reciting the poem on Friday at our Remembrance Day ceremony.  A group of students from our class will be leading the recitation.  Please encourage your child to practise saying the poem out loud.

Here is a link to a video recording of the poem:

In Math, we are beginning a Data Management unit.  The students brainstormed today about what they already know and what they want to learn more about during this unit.  They are preparing a google doc to share with me on the subject.

In English, we began our reading response activity.  The students were given the option of doing their reading response electronically or writing their response in their journals.  I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that they have all chosen to do the electronic method.  This is due on Friday and more time will be given in class with the laptops tomorrow.

A reminder to parents about interview forms:  Please have them back by Friday so we can arrange sibling times.  Also, if you cannot make it on either day, please still return the form with a note indicating when you would be available for a telephone interview instead.
Thank you to all who returned their forms today.  It really helps with the planning process.

jeudi, le 10 novembre:

In français, we practised Au Champ d'Honneur.  They need to practice again tonight.  Refer to the video link I posted yesterday if you want to hear someone speaking through the poem.

Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will take place at 10:30 am tomorrow in the Gym.

We had our Sciences Sociales quiz today.  I was able to mark them at lunch and return them to the students.  Be on the lookout for the quiz tonight.  A few students need to have them signed by you and returned tomorrow.

In Math, the students played www.prodigygame.com.  Then, I introduced them to Gizmos on www.explorelearning.com.  It is a great site for Inquiry-based learning in Math and Science.  We are exploring different forms of data management.

In English, we (finally) finished our Book Talks.  The students received their marks and feedback today.  We also continued to complete the Reading Response questions from yesterday.  These are due tomorrow.  

vendredi, le 11 novembre:

In français, we practised Au Champ d'Honneur.

Next, the students used their resources to find out how to write and say the main body parts in French.  Ask them to tell you how to say head, hair, eyes, etc. en français.

We had our Remembrance Day ceremony after recess.  The students from our class behaved very respectfully through the entire ceremony.

They had Music today with Mr. Rosehnal.  

In Math, they finished up their Data Management gizmo which we started yesterday.  I have sent home some additional practice for the weekend.

In English, they worked on some Reading Comprehension questions based on their novels. 

They need to read Chapter 5 for Monday.

lundi, le 14 novembre:

In français, we did a listening test based on weather vocabulary.

In Sciences Sociales, we began a research project on a province/territory and its resources/industries. The students spent 2 periods researching and planning their project.  They are using the work we've done on la Nouvelle Ecosse to guide them.
*They were given choice in this particular project in terms of how they want to complete it - they can either do a PowerPoint slideshow, a poster, a Google Doc, or an oral presentation (or any combination of these).

In Math, we did some assessment on Gizmos at https://www.explorelearning.com.  I have sent home some more practice with pictographs.  They are to complete the first 2 pages only.

In English, I have notices that the students are leaving out capital letters in all of their work.  We did a mini-lesson on when to use capitals along with some in-class practice.  I have sent home a paragraph to be completed with missing capital letters.

Here are some links to some more online and interactive practice using capital letters:

mardi, le 15 novembre:

En français, we learned the verve <avoir>.  We will be using this verb to talk about many things including body parts.  The students should be reviewing this verb for a bit of time each evening until they know it by heart.

I have them time to work on their Sciences Sociales project (see yesterday for details).  This is due next Monday, November 21.

In Math, the students completed an on-line assessment for Data Management in class.  They will complete the last sheet of the package I gave them yesterday for homework tonight.

In English, we did some more capitalization practice together.  I have sent another practice sheet home with them today.


mercredi, le 17 novembre:

The students began to learn about perspective and vanishing points in Art with Mr N.

They then had class time to continue working on their Sciences Sociales projects.

They had library today with Mrs McCann.

In Science, they are continuing to play one another's games.

In Math, we went through step by step how to conduct a survey, display data, and create pictographs.  They need to finish their pictographs tonight.

Here is our example we did together in class:

In English, we took up more of our capitalization practice together and then I had them complete a Capitalization Quiz on Google docs.  If they have access to a computer, you can ask them to show you the quiz on Google Docs.


jeudi, le 17 novembre:

In français, we learned some expressions which use the verb AVOIR.  The students have picked this up quite quickly.  I am very pleased with them.  Please ask them to review the verb forms as well as the different expressions over the weekend.

I gave them a work period to work on their projects for Sciences Sociales.  They are producing some really good work (en français!).  I can't wait to see/hear/watch them on Monday!

Some students asked for the sentence starters to be posted:

In Math, I collected their pictographs and you can see them on display in the hall when you come for interviews.
I have assigned some additional practice in Nelson Math 4 (page 58 for Grade 3 and page 60 for Grade 4) for the weekend.  They are to complete all the questions.

Grade 4:
Grade 3:

In English, we thought about our goals for next term (by using our report card comments).  They have set some realistic goals for school, social, and personal improvement and they have outlined some steps they will need to take in order to achieve them.  I then had them complete a quiz on their novels.  They did this on google docs for me so if you have computer access, they can show you.

I would like them to read Chapters 6 and 7 from their novels over the weekend.

mardi, le 21 novembre;

In français, we learned how to use avoir mal with body parts to talk about aches and pains.  The students did a follow up activity on Google Docs for me.  I have sent home some additional at home practice for them to do tonight.  They will be having a quiz on the verb AVOIR next Monday, November 28, 2016.

I gave them one last period to add finishing touches to their Sciences Sociales projects.  We will look at them as a class tomorrow.

In Math, we looked at ways to choose a scale for bar graphs.  They did a dice experiment and continued with some practice questions from the Nelson Math 4 textbook, page 63, #3 & 4.

In English, they are illustrating one important event from their novels and providing a caption for it. They will have one more class tomorrow to complete these.

Next, we (finally) got back to our weekly spelling lists for Week 6.  They are to complete a definition and a complete sentence for each of the 10 list words before the test next Monday.

mardi, le 22 novembre:

In français, we took up last night's homework together.  Then we did some more practice using AVOIR mal.  I have sent home more at-home practice to be finished for tomorrow.

In Sciences Sociales, some of the students shared their projects on PowerPoint.  We will continue with the slide show presentations tomorrow.

In Math, we worked on a Gizmo from https://www.explorelearning.com on data involving range, median, and mode.  We did not finish in class and will continue working on it tomorrow.

In English, they worked on their illustrations of an important event from their novels.  There will be no more class time given so anyone who didn't finish in class must complete it for homework.

mercredi, le 23 novembre:

In français, we took up last night's homework together.  Then we did some more practice using AVOIR mal.  I have sent home more at-home practice to be finished for tomorrow.  PRATIQUEZ, PRATIQUEZ!!!

In Sciences Sociales, the students who prepared PowerPoint Slideshows shared their projects with the rest of the class.  I was very impressed with the overall quality of the media work they created.

In Science, the students had a final little review quiz on Rocks and Minerals.

In Math, they finished their Gizmo on range, mode, and median in class.  I had them complete an assessment to show me what they have learned while completing the Gizmo.  Again, if you have access to a computer from home, have your child log in to  https://www.explorelearning.com to see what inquiry learning is all about.

In English, we looked at some common rules for making nouns plural since I have noticed many students making errors in this particular area in their own writing.  I have sent home some at-home practice for the students tonight.

jeudi, le 24 novembre:

The class had Art first period where they are learning about one point perspective with Mr. Naumovski.

In français, we took up yesterday's homework on avoir mal.  There is a quiz on this next Wednesday, November 30.  They have more practice for homework tonight.

They had library and then Science.

In Math, we talked about the steps to make a complete and accurate bar graph.  We completed a quick survey and made a bar graph together.  They have some practice questions to finish at home tonight.

In English, we took up the Plurals sheet from yesterday and did some practice together.  Next, the students prepared a Google Document with 5 questions based on their individual novels.  This is to prepare them for their upcoming reading comprehension quiz next Tuesday, November 29.

vendredi, le 25 novembre:

In français, we took up yesterday's homework on avoir mal.  There is a quiz on this next Wednesday, November 30.  They have more practice for homework tonight.

A reminder that they have a quiz on only the verb forms of avoir on Monday:  j'ai, tu as, il a, elle a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont

In Sciences Sociales, we started to learn about Ontario's resources, specifically water.  The students read the following passage and are in the process of completing some comprehension questions.

In Science, they are beginning their Light and Sound unit.  They have title page to finish for homework.

In Math, we finished our bar graphs (horizontal and vertical) and evaluated some graphs which were missing information or were showing wrong information.  They then completed questions 4, 5, 6 from Nelson Math 4.  Anyone who didn't finish in class will need to complete it for homework.
Grade 4:

Grade 3:

For English, I have sent home some more PLURALS practice.

lundi, le 28 novembre:

In français, we reviewed avoir mail and took up Friday's homework.  They have a quiz on this on Wednesday.  I sent more review home tonight.

We also did some review on http://kahoot.it in French too.

In Math, the students used https://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph to complete page 70, #2 and page 76, #2 from Nelson Math 4.

In English, we had our Spelling test for list 6 and I gave them their new list.  Test next Monday along with sentences and definitions.

Tomorrow they have a reading comprehension test on their novels.  It will include questions from Chapter 1 to Chapter 7.

mardi, le 29 novembre:

In français, we reviewed avoir mail and took up yesterday's homework.  They have a quiz on this tomorrow and should be reviewing all of their past 6 days worth of homework and class notes.  I sent one more page of review home tonight.

Next, the students are working by themselves of with a group to create a kahoot review game in French.  We will have one more day to complete the games before playing them together as a class.  I have been very impressed with how quickly they have picked up the technology and are using it as an educational tool.

In Math, I had to repeat yesterday's lesson on using technology to create graphs due to the fact that we had several people absent yesterday.  The rest of the class completed the graphs from pages 70 and 76 (#2 for both) before moving on the prodigygame.com.  NO MATH HOMEWORK

In English, the students had their reading test today on chapters 1 - 7 in their novels.  They are to read chapter 8 of their novels tonight.

mercredi, le 30 novembre:

In français, we had our quiz on avoir mal and I am thrilled to announce that they all passed with a mark of B or higher!!!!

They finished up their French review games today and will be sharing them with the class tomorrow.

We had our monthly assembly after recess so there was no Science/Sciences Sociales today.

In Math, we gathered some data together and then discussed how we make a bar graph using intervals.

They have follow up questions from Nelson Math 4, page 67, #4 & 5.

We began our Reading Buddy program with the Grade 1/2 class today.  It was great to see the Grade 4 students take charge and set a positive example for the  younger students.  We will be adding this to our weekly schedule for the rest of the school year.






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