What did you do at school today? OCTOBER EDITION

lundi, le 3 octobre:

In English, the students received their first spelling list for the year - please check out the new post entitled WEEKLY SPELLING LISTS for more specific details.

In Math, we talked about how to effectively describe patterns.

Class work:  Nelson Math 4, page 5 (#3/4, 5,6).  

In Études Sociales, we added major bodies of water to our map of Canada.  The students have a quiz on the provinces and territories on Thursday and they were reminded to take their maps home to study.

They have a Science test on Rocks and Minerals on Wednesday with Ms. Takahashi.  They need to review types of rocks, the rock cycle, how rocks are formed, as well as the different ways of testing for hardness, lustre, etc.

mardi, le 4 octobre:

In français, we learned useful classroom instructions.

In Social Studies, we used our direction words that we had already learned in French (à côté de, entre) to describe the provinces and territories (ex.  L'Ontario est entre le Québec et le Manitoba.). They did an excellent job asking each other questions about the locations and responding in French!  Bravo!!!

In Math, we practised describing number patterns.  We used our class time to work in Nelson Math 4, page 7.  NO HOMEWORK was assigned.  We worked through it during class.

In English, we started to read about the mystery of Franklin's ship (from Canadian Reader website, October Edition).

SCIENCE TEST TOMORROW!!!! Be ready to show what you know!!!! - See yesterday for more details.  Happy Studying, Rockhounds!

mercredi, le 5 octobre:

In français, we continued to practise using location words (sur, sous, dans...) to describe people and things in relation to one another.

In Études Sociales, we reviewed for our test tomorrow on the provinces and territories.  They need to study their maps and know the location of all provinces and territories.  STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!  *Please note that they do not need to learn the spelling of them, just where to find them on a blank map.*

In Math, we looked at a strategy of using T-charts to help us solve problems involving patterns.

If they want to practise at home, visit http://math4.nelson.com and click on Student Centre, Try it Out, Chapter 1, Lesson 3.

This afternoon, we had our TERRY FOX walk/run.  We had lots of fun and got some good exercise along the way.

jeudi, le 6 octobre:

In français, we practised our prepositions of position - we will be having a quiz on them next Thursday, October 13, 2016.

They have a review sheet this weekend to help them prepare for the quiz.  It will be part written and part oral so they also need to practise how to say the position words.

In Études Sociales, we had our quiz today and we took it up in class so you can ask them to see it.

In Math, we did some additional practice on using t-charts for solving patterning problems from Nelson Math, page 9 #4,5.  I have sent home a similar problem for them to complete.

In English, we finished our text on the missing Franklin ship.  They worked in some comprehension questions during class.  Ask your child to tell you about the mystery.

Don't forget that we have our first spelling test on Tuesday.  If they have forgotten their notebook, they can find the words in the Weekly Spelling Words section of the blog.

I WISH YOU ALL A SAFE AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEKEND!  Enjoy your PA Day tomorrow and your holiday Monday!!!

mardi, le 11 octobre:

In français, we reviewed their sentences from last week using the prepositions of position.  

In Études Sociales, we used maps of Canada to locate the capital city of each province and territory.  The students are in the process of writing sentences for each capital following the model:

Charlottetown eat la ville capitals de l' Île-du-Prince-Édouard.

**They should review the capitals as there will be a quiz next Tuesday, October 18.

In Math, we learned how to use t-charts to solve number/measurement problems.

Follow-up questions for math:  Nelson Math, page 11 #3,4,5

In English, we had our Spelling test #1 and we got our word list for week #2.
*spelling test #2 is next Monday along with definitions and sentences.

mercredi, le 12 octobre:

Today, the students had Art - they are working on warm and cool colours with Mr. N.

In français, we practised making sentences using prepositions of location to be ready for our quiz tomorrow.  They will need to write about the location of various classroom objects.  To prepare, I told them to take their notebooks home to review their sentence formation.  Ex.  La fille est derrière le pupitre.

They had library this morning as well.

In Computers, we logged on to our Google classroom (our online classroom) and the students were able to test things out.  I will be posting some work in there for them in the upcoming weeks.  They can access it by using their TDSB login information.  It should be an electronic adventure for all of us!

In Math, we reviewed patterns in preparation for our quiz tomorrow.

 (Taken from Nelson Math 4)
 (taken from TestSmart 4)
 (taken from Canadian Curriculum 4)

In English, we examined some non-fiction texts to try to identify the features that an author chooses to add in order to help us understand what he or she is trying to say.  We will continue with this tomorrow.

A REMINDER TO PARENTS THAT THE CROSS COUNTRY MEET AT THOMPSON PARK IS THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2016.  Students will need to dress appropriately and bring a lunch.

jeudi, le 14 octobre:

In français, we had our quiz on les prépositions de lieu.  They will be marked and returned by tomorrow.

We had our community police officers come in for an internet safety and cyber bullying presentation.  Ask your child what he or she learned during the visit.

In Math, we had our quiz on using t-charts to solve patterning problems.  I have included a copy of the quiz if you would like to go over it with your child.  

We then created our own Math problems involving patterns and t-charts.  Here are some of the students' problems:

As you can see, we have some very creative Math thinkers!

In Health with Mr. N., they have been talking about healthy eating and have a good choice assignment due next Tuesday.

In English, we continued to find text features and talk about how they help us determine meaning.  Here are the examples the class found:

For anyone with a student in cross country tomorrow, here is the schedule:

vendredi, le 14 octobre:

We had a lot of our class at Cross Country today so it was not quite business as usual in the classroom.

In Computers, the students did a bit of practice on our Google classroom site and then used http://prodigygame.com to review Math skills.

I returned their French quizzes so be on the lookout for those.

In Math, we looked at "real world" problems and solved them multiple ways to show the students that they can use any number of strategies to arrive at the same solution.  An example we did together is below:

They have work from Nelson Math 4 on page 24, #1-3

In English, they have Spelling test #2 on Monday - refer to Weekly Spelling Words post

*Please note that I have moved the date for the Social Studies test on capital cities to Thursday, October 20.

Have a great weekend and congratulations to all of our runners who represented our school very well at the meet today!!!

In français, we learned some useful expressions to help us use French more throughout the day.
The students are now creating a drama presentation which incorporates some of these expressions as well as other vocabulary we have learned in class.

In Études Sociales, we are still learning the capital cities of each province and territory. If you want to help your student at home you can ask the following question:  "quelle est la ville capitale de (Manitoba)?"
Don't forget that the quiz is this Thursday.

In Math, we did a three-part lesson involving patterns I have included a copy of the question for you to look at. Next class the students will be sharing their strategies and solutions with the rest of the class.
In English we got our new spelling list for words of the week number three please refer to the section for spelling list to see the new words. As usual the students are expected to write their words in a sentence and include a definition by next Monday.

Health is due tomorrow for Mr. N.

mardi, le 18 octobre:

In français, we continued to work on our presentations that we began yesterday. Please see notes from yesterday for more details. I will be collecting their scripts on Thursday. They will then be presenting on Monday.

In Études Sociales, we played a matching game matching the provinces to their capital cities. Don't forget that we have a quiz on Thursday. Please take some time to review all of the provinces in their capital cities with your child.

In math, we continued our work on our open-ended patterning question from yesterday. Then we had four groups of students come up to the front of the class and present their strategies and solutions in a math congress.  Here are some examples of their work:

In English, we continued our work on text features. The students have to write their own nonfiction text and include a minimum of five text features. The written portion of their text is due in class tomorrow. We will then annotate the text features with a sticky note to provide our reasons for including those text features.  I have provided an example below.

One final reminder that tomorrow is the deadline for October's pizza lunch all forms and money are due no later than tomorrow by the end of the day. Our pizza lunch will be next Thursday.

mercredi, le 19 octobre:

The students have Art to finish for Mr. N.  It is due next Monday, October 24.  Be on the lookout for something that looks like this:

In Études Sociales, we reviewed the villes capitales.  QUIZ tomorrow.

Here's the map with the capitals in case you forgot it at school:

In Math, we began 2-D geometry.  The students are working in Nelson Math 4 on pages 180-181:
We did A - F during class.  Some finished and did the Do You Remember section as well.

In English, we worked on annotating our text feature task by attaching notes which state the purpose for each text feature used.  If they didn't finish in class, it should be completed for homework.

jeudi, le 20 octobre:

Today, we worked on our scripts for our Dans la Classe presentations.  Each student should be practising his/her lines at home.  They will be presenting on Monday.

In Études Sociales, we had our quiz on the capital cities.  Please ask your child to see their quiz as we marked it together in class.

For Science, Ms. Takahashi would like all parents to sign their child's science test.

In Math, we began looking at the properties of quadrilaterals.  We did some sorting activities before moving into the textbook (Nelson Math 4, p. 183, #3-6).  

In English, we began looking at the spelling rules for adding -ed and -ing to words.

I have sent home some homework practice to reinforce our class work.

Mr. N. has given them some Health to finish for next week.  They will also have a quiz on the vocabulary next Tuesday.
vendredi, le 21 octobre 

In français today, we began in the computer lab and I introduced them to a great website for online as well as at-home practice.  You can access the website by clicking on the link http://www.education.vic.gov.au/languagesonline/french/French.htm

Then, we began to learn some new vocabulary about the weather.

In Math, we are making skeletons from various 2D shapes using tape and straws.  This is not homework.  They will finish up on Monday in class and write about the names and properties of the shapes they used.

In English, we are beginning an oral language segment where the students will be creating book talks about a book they have read.  Today in class, we watched an example and began to discuss the criteria for making a book talk which is interesting for our listeners.  

Due for Monday:

Warm/cool colour art for Mr. N.
Spelling test - week 3 words

lundi, le 24 octobre:

In French the students performed their French presentations for Dana La Classe.

Next, we continued with weather expressions (see last Friday) and began writing weather sentences for different cities in Canada to tie into their current Social Studies topic.

In Math, they finished their 2D shape skeletons.  Here are some examples:

In Media with Mrs. McCann, they have a task to complete using the following criteria:

In English, we had our weekly spelling test and began our new list.  Please note that they are to complete the definitions and sentences by tomorrow.

A reminder that they have a Health assignment due tomorrow and a quiz.  (See last Thursday for a copy of the worksheet and vocabulary.)

mardi, le 25 octobre:

In French, we reviewed our weather vocabulary and introduced the seasons.  Ask your child to tell you about the weather in French or which months are in each season to encourage him/her to speak more at home.

In Math, we learned about congruent (figures which have exactly the same shape and size but may have a different position) and similar (figures which have the same shape but not necessarily the same size).  We did some sorting practice on the smart board and worked from the textbook in class.  As a follow up, the students have a worksheet for home.  Please note that the first sheet is for anyone who didn't finish in class and the second one is for those who finished.

In English, we saw some more examples of book talks.  We discussed the criteria for a good book talk and I asked the students to jot down their ideas in their agendas.

Note that Mr. N. moved the Health test until tomorrow so they have one more night to study. 👍🏽

mercredi, le 26 octobre:

The students has Art to begin the day with Mr. N.

Next, they did some review of La Date, Le Calendrier, et Le Temps en francais.

For continued practice at home, ask them to tell you the day and the weather each morning or evening.

Next, they went to the Library with Mrs. McCann.

After Library, they did a review puzzle on les provinces, territoires, et les villes capitales.

They had time to go on prodigygame.com to tune up their Math skills before completing a series of Geometry and Patterning review. (Visit any of the websites indicated at the bottom of each page for many more free at-home practice opportunities.)

In English, the students read a passage (from Canadian Curriculum 4) about the famous Monster of Lake Okanagan in British Colombia.  Then, they completed some comprehension questions, as well as some grammar practice.
Ask them to tell you about Ogopogo.  What do you think?  Is Ogopogo real or just an interesting story?  

jeudi, le 27 octobre:

In français, we are becoming meteorologists!  The students are creating their own weather forecast, designing their own calendar background and will present the weather in French.  Today, in class, they worked on their own calendars. 

In Études Sociales, we learned about the Maritime provinces and some of the industries there.  It is important that they start bringing their Social Studies notes home daily to review new vocabulary and ideas as it is all in French.

  In Math, we explored different ways of finding lines of Symmetry by following the steps on pages 198 and 199 in Nelson Math 4.

In English, they need to have their Book Talk Outline handed in by tomorrow.

We also began our group novels and they need to read the first chapter by tomorrow.

vendredi, le 28 octobre:

We practiced our French vocabulary and listening skills in the Computer lab on http://www.education.vic.gov.au/languagesonline/french/French.htm .

Next, the students worked on their Météorologiste presentations.  Here is a sample outline for them to use when preparing for their presentations:

In Études Sociales, we continued to learn about specific Maritime provinces.  Again, they should be rereading their new notes on a nightly basis.

In Math, we talked about the different types of benchmark angles (right, acute, and obtuse).  The students have a Math task to complete by Monday from Nelson Math 4.

In English, we spent some time preparing for our oral book talks and the remaining time discussing the first chapter of their novels with their groups.  For Monday, they need to read the next 2 chapters in their novel.

Spelling Test #4 is on Monday.

*Book talk presentations will take place on Friday, November 4, 2016.*

Please note that the students are welcome to wear their Halloween costumes on Monday during class.  Just a reminder that no masks or toy weapons will be permitted.  In the afternoon, we will have a celebration of all of their hard work so far this year.

lundi, le 31 octobre:

Today we learned some Halloween related vocabulary in French.

The students were given class time to work on their météo weather forecasts.

In Math, we did some Halloween fun puzzles and worksheets.

We had our Character Trait Assembly this afternoon followed by a class Halloween celebration.

Since some of our students will be trick or treating tonight, there is NO HOMEWORK!!!!  Enjoy your evening and remember to be safe.



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