What did you do at school today? DECEMBER EDITION

lundi, le 1er décembre:

Today, the class had Art with Mr. N. where they are working on a really cool perspective piece.  He has sent it home with them so they can continue working on it.

In français, I gave them one more period to work on the students' review games on http://kahoot.it since a few groups needed more time.  We will present them on Monday in class.
They had Library today and Science.

In the afternoon, we did our monthly seating change.  My choice this month 😁.

In Math, we learned another way of displaying data called Stem and Leaf charts.  It's a great way to show numeric data and find the median.
I have sent some practice home for the weekend.

In English, we took up some plural work and then talked about the elements of narratives.  The students began a story map of the novels they have been reading online.  I have sent home some plural practice for the weekend. 

 A reminder that we have our spelling quiz on Monday for week 7:

lundi, le 5 décembre:

In français, we began working on oral presentations/dramas based on our work with avoir mal.  The situation is in a doctor's office with a very "difficult" patient who seems to have pain everywhere.   The students will continue to work on them throughout the week and will present their dramas on Friday.

We also played one group's review game on http://kahoot.it today.

In Math, they had some time on http://prodigygame.com and then we did some review from Nelson Math 4 (page 76, #1&3 and page 77, #5, 6, & 7).

*We will be having a quiz on graphing, bar graphs, pictographs, tally charts, frequency tables, stem and leaf plots, mode, range, and median this Thursday. **

In English, we had our Spelling test #7 and I gave them their new list:

mardi, le 6 décembre:

In français, the students worked on their scripts for their Chez le Médecin dramas.  
Then, one group presented their review game on http://kahoot.it.

In Math, we took up our questions from yesterday as a whole class and worked on more review questions from Nelson Math 4 (pages 78-79, #1-6).

In English, I gave the students some vocabulary building questions based on their spelling words for this week.  They completed the work on a Google Doc.  You can help them this week by finding as many words which end in -tion as you can as a family unit.  At the end of the week, we will see which family came up with the most words.

**In Music, the students are rehearsing Three Little Birds by Bob Marley with Mr. Rozehnal.  They will be performing it and playing the ukulele at the Holiday concert on December 20 at 6:30 pm.  Here is the link to the ukulele:  https://youtu.be/ds7xjvbtlOM

mercredi, le 7 décembre:

In français, the students worked on their scripts for their Chez le Médecin dramas.  They should be rehearsing their own lines at home each night until Friday when they present.

In Sciences Sociales, we talked about the lakes and rivers in Ontario, specifically the Great Lakes and how we use them.  For example, for electricity or tourism (beaches, water sports, camping, cruises). The students can always be reviewing their own notes in Social Studies to prepare for upcoming tests and quizzes.

In Math, we took up yesterday`s homework and then worked on more review from Nelson Math 4 (page 80-81 #1, 2, 3, 4).  I have also sent home an additional sheet of practice for the quiz tomorrow.

Here are the Nelson Math links to the at-home practice if you are looking for more review.

Image result for hour of code Image result for hour of code

This week is Computer Science week.  Across the world, people are being encouraged to participate in the Hour of Code.  Coding is an important part of everyone's lives without us even knowing it.   We need to prepare our kids for a future which includes jobs which don't even exist today.  Part of that preparation involves becoming comfortable with code.  Anyone can participate at code.org/learn.
The following video highlights the global importance of coding: https://youtu.be/nKIu9yen5nc.
Today, we participated in the Hour of Code.  Ask your child to tell you or show you what they have learned to do.

*Reminder:  tomorrow is pizza lunch.

jeudi, le 8 décembre:

In français, the students had one last day to write and rehearse their Chez le Medecin dramas.  They will be presenting tomorrow.  HOMEWORK: They should all be rehearsing their own lines tonight to prepare.  We also did a quick listening comprehension test in class based on the verb AVOIR and the body parts.

In Sciences Sociales, we talked about some more of Ontario's resources such as metals (gold, silver, nickel, and uranium), fruits, vegetables, forests (for wood production and paper), and dairy farms (cheese, butter, milk, yoghurt).  As usual, they can always be reviewing their new notes at home.

In Math, the students wrote their Data Management Quiz.  I will have them marked and returned tomorrow.  NO MATH HOMEWORK TONIGHT

We visited our reading buddies in Ms. Parish's class for a period and then had Gym.

vendredi, le 9 décembre:

In français, 3 groups presented their Chez Le Médecin Dramas.  The remaining groups will present on Monday.

They had Art and Library today.

In Math, I marked their test and realize that there were some common misconceptions. Therefore I decided that I would go over the test with them question by question to make sure everyone understood how to answer appropriately and I will give them a make up test on Monday.

In English, the students are making a poster for a movie based on the novel they have been reading. Please find below the criteria for their movie poster. The rough copies are due next Tuesday, December 13.

There'll be a spelling test for the words of the week number eight on Monday.

REMINDER:  For parents whose students are participating in the movie night, it is this Monday, December 12 after school until about 4:45 PM. Please remember to pick up your child from the gym at 4:45 PM.

lundi, le 12 décembre:

In français, 3 more groups presented their Chez le Medecin dramas.  Next, the students did some inquiry to create a new vocabulary for La Famille, which will be our next unit.  We will learn to talk about members of our family, our pets, and home life.

In Math, we had our Data Management Test.  Look for that to come home with them tomorrow.

In English, we had our weekly spelling test and I gave them their last list for 2016.

I also gave them some time to work on their rough copies of their movie posters which are due tomorrow.

mardi, le 13 décembre:

In français, we began with some listening practice on french-games.net for La Famille.  We then learned some more vocabulary for La Famille.  The students used a model paragraph to write their own Google Doc about their own families.  We will print them and send them home once they all have finished.

It is never too early for them to start studying this new vocabulary at home.

In Math, some students needed to finish their Math tests from yesterday.  The rest of the class did review on prodigygame.com.  Once everyone had finished, I returned the tests to them.  Please ask your child to see the test tonight and sign.

In English, I collected their rough copies of their movie posters for their novels.  I will provide feedback and return them tomorrow so they can begin their good copies which are due on Friday.

Other than signing the Math tests, there is no homework tonight.  However, the students do have to have their perspective art coloured for their next art class on Friday so you may want to encourage them to work on that as well as review their French vocabulary.

mercredi, le 14 décembre:

In français, we did some practice using our new La Famille vocabulary.  Merci beaucoup à Dahlia pour avoir aidé avec le corrigé en classe! 😁
In Études Sociales, we learned more about water as a principal resource in Ontario and Quebec.

In Math, the students worked on http://code.org to practise their coding skills.  We will be beginning our Measurement unit tomorrow.

In English, I handed back their rough copies of their movie posters with feedback to help them move forward with their good copies.  They were given time in class to work on the good copies which are due on Friday.

A reminder to parents that next Tuesday, December 20, we have our Holiday Concert.  Please note that there has been a change in times:  There will now be two separate concerts ( one from 6:00 to 6:40 with the Kindergartens, 6/7 band, Luke’s 6/7 and Browne/Chadha 7/8 classes  and a second concert from 7:00 to 8:00 with all remaining classes and performances. *This would be our class.)   Mr. Rozehnal has been working with them to rehearse Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.  They will be singing and playing the ukulele.  

Here are the links which I have already posted for the students on our Google Classroom:

They are allowed to take home the ukuleles, so I would encourage them to do so, particularly over the weekend.

Also, the students involved in the Hammer band will be performing during the concert.  We hope you will be able to make it to the concert.  We will be accepting donations of non-perishable food items which we will be donating to a local community group.

jeudi, le 15 décembre:

In français, we learned about family trees and the students are working on their own "arbre généalogique".  Be prepared for them to ask you a bunch of questions about family members and names.  For each member, they need to write the connection to them (ex.  Ma mère), a sentence with the person's name starting with Il / Elle s'appelle..., and another sentence describing the person (ex.  Il est intelligent.)

In Math, we began our Measurement unit.  We talked about the standard metric units (km, m, cm, mm) and introduced decimetres (dm).  We looked at how to go from one unit to another (ex.  1 m = 100 cm).  NO HOMEWORK as we had to stop early to go to visit our reading buddies.

In English, they worked on their movie posters.  They are due tomorrow.

vendredi, le 16 décembre:

In français, the students worked on their own "arbre généalogique" for one period.  I can tell that they are enjoying their discussions with you about family members based on some of the information they shared with me today.


In Math, we talked about the appropriate units for measuring different sized objects or distances.  The students went around the classroom and chose objects which could be best  measured with cm and mm.  Then they actually did the measurements.  I have sent some practice home for them this weekend.

In English, we began some oral language/drama work based on their novels.  They will continue to work on these through next week and present on Friday before the holidays.

We are making paper bag stars for the holidays.  They will be decorating their bags over the weekend so we can create some beautiful stars next week.

Here are some examples of some finished products:

lundi, le 19 décembre:

In français, the students continued to work on their arbres généalogiques.

In Études Sociales, we studied les produits et les industries:

We will be having a quick multiple choice quiz on Friday to wrap things up before the holidays.  It covers:  les Grands Lacs,  les industries de l'Ontario et leurs products).

This afternoon, we had our dress rehearsal for the Holiday Concert which took most of the afternoon, so we did not have any time for Math today.

In English, the students have their spelling test on Week 9's words. See post from last week for the list words.

mardi, le 20 décembre:

In français, the students continued to work on their arbres généalogiques.  I will collect them tomorrow after one more work session.

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the main topics for the quiz on Friday (see yesterday).  The students know which sheets to review.  There are copies below:

In Math, I gave them some Measurement Conversion activities on Google Classroom.  

In English, we had our Spelling Test and they worked on their Drama scripts for their novels.  

*Please note that I am not assigning any formal homework tonight due to the Holiday Concert.  I know it will be a busy night for everyone. *  Anyone coming to perform in Concert #2 needs to be at the school between 6:30 and 6:40 in room 103.  For those who are coming to the earlier concert to watch a sibling perform, it is fine for them to stay in the audience until that concert is over and then quickly make their way to room 103 afterwards.

However, they do have to have their Kindness and Caring posters done for Ms. McCann by tomorrow.

mercredi, le 21 décembre:

In français, the students had one last period to complete their arbres généalogiques.  Those who have not yet finished will need to finish it for homework.

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed les lacs, les industries, et les produits for our quiz on Friday.  They should be reviewing at home each night.  (See yesterday for the sheets which will be covered on the quiz.)

In Math, we talked about representing measurements in different ways and which ways are more precise.  For example, 1 dm 2 cm and 3 mm is MORE precise than 12.3 cm (because it helps people divide up the measurement into smaller, more manageable units).
We did some practice from Nelson Math 4, page 129, #3-8.

In English, they had another period to work on their scripts for their novel dramas.

jeudi, le 22 décembre:

In français, the students did some inquiry based learning.  They researched how people celebrate the holidays in France, traditions, vocabulary, and other interesting facts.  They also began to compare what they learned to how people in North America celebrate Christmas or another celebration of their choice.  Ask them to talk to you about some of the interesting facts they discovered.

In English, I gave them their last work period to finish their scripts for their novel dramas and then rehearse.  They will be presenting them for the rest of the class tomorrow.

In the afternoon, we had our Character Assembly for Kindness and Caring.  I am proud of the fact that a student from our class hosted the assembly as one of the MCs.

They had Gym and then a little bit of time to do some review for their Sciences Sociales quiz tomorrow.

vendredi, le 23 décembre:

They students had Art and Library today.

In Sciences Sociales, they did their quiz on les produits et les industries d'Ontario and they can check their Google account for their mark.

In English, the students presented their dramas for the novels they have been reading.  All groups performed and did a great job!

In the afternoon, we had our class holiday celebration, followed by classroom clean up.

I am assigning NO HOMEWORK over the holidays as I believe that the kids should have some down time to spend with their families and friends.  I did, however, send home a package of basic Math and English drills which you can have them work on bit by bit if you want them to do a bit of practice over the holidays.

I thank you all for you kind and generous gifts and once again for your children who bring me a lot of joy throughout the year.  They are the best gift you can give.

I remind everyone that I will be away for the holidays and will not have access to the internet so I will not be updating or responding to the blog (or Google classroom) over the break.  I wish you all a very happy and safe holiday and I look forward to seeing everyone in the new year!



  1. Salut,
    Art is one of my favorite past times. I used to volunteer with an art group at a hospital with youth I'd love to do it again. I'm a homemaker and work part time so I chose do volunteer work as a oppourtunty to work with variety of people. Also I have a group of girl friends who are also homemakers and work part time, we like go out and do art in our sparetime. Sometimes we meet new people who also like art online. For example at the link paintnite.ca

    Continue the great work students in Mme Bush Class of 2016/2017

    Sunshine ♡

  2. I found a quote on line i really like. You should never sacrifice three things. You family Your heart Your Dignity.

    Have a nice weekend


  3. Thank you, Sunshine, for all your contributions!

  4. Dans le may moi et ma mes ami allons - y old Montreal. My kids help me translate that no google.

  5. Ce n'est pas mal. 👍🏽
    Dans le mois de mai, mes amis et moi allons à Vieux Montréal. 😉

    Y amusez-vous! (Have fun.)

  6. Salut

    I really enjoyed the assembly and concert this week. Its my childs first year at Emily Carr. I appreciate having the blog. Its my favorite format to communicate. Happy Holidays Grade 4 extended French class. Happy Near ;)
    Sunshine :)


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