What did you do at school today?

jeudi, le 22 septembre:

In French, we did some oral practice saying different dates.  That was followed up with the written exercise below.

In Social Studies, we have been learning about the provinces and territories of Canada.  The students are making and labeling their own map of Canada in French.  *due to be submitted on Monday, September 26, 2016.

In Math, we are reviewing place value (textbook, page 40). Feel free to visit http://www.math4.nelson.com
For extra activities you can try at home with your child.

vendredi, le 23 septembre:

In French, the students are creating a mini presentation to showcase what they have been learning so far (days, months, letters, numbers, classroom items, introductions).  They should be practising their own lines at home.  *Presentations are next Tuesday, September 27, 2016

In Math, we worked in the computer lab on http://prodigygame.com to review our numeracy skills.  I have sent the home with some review questions from the http://math4.nelson.com.

In English, we will be learning a bit more about Terry Fox before we do our community walk next Thursday, September 29, 2016.  Please encourage them to read the article I have sent home with them and feel free to discuss with them.  Article taken from The Canadian Reader.

lundi, le 26 septembre:

In French, the students practised for their mini-dialogs which they will present for the class tomorrow

In Math, we had a quiz on Place Value so the students could "show what they know".  They will be marked and returned tomorrow, so please look for that tomorrow.

In English, we read the Terry Fox article from last week and we are beginning to write a summary of the important parts


*Don't forget that tomorrow is photo day, Wednesday is our Science trip (they will need a lunch), and Thursday is our pizza lunch.*

mardi, le 27 septembre:

In French, the students learned some new vocabulary related to location.  Ask them to teach you the song they learned to help them remember.

They received their Math tests back today.  Please go over them with your child and sign and return the test tomorrow.

We talked a bit about the Scarborough Bluffs in preparation for our trip tomorrow on soil erosion and rocks and minerals.
Don't forget to pack a lunch for your child tomorrow if he or she normally goes home for lunch because...
IT'S TRIP DAY!!!!!!!!

mercredi, le 28 septembre:

NO HOMEWORK - we were on a trip today!!!!

In the morning, we visited the Scarborough Bluffs and talked about how they were formed and how they have changed over the years.  The students sketched the current facade of the cliffs to compare them with how they looked in the past.
We also looked at examples of how humans are making efforts to slow down the erosion process (they were quick to point out the presence of a man created rick wall which acts as a barrier between the land and the water).  We had a picnic lunch while we were there and then it was off to Whitby Beach where they talked about fossils and were even able to locate some of their own fossils to share with you at home.  You can look at the sheets below to try to figure out which type of fossil they found.  The students had a very enjoyable and educational day.  I am sure they will sleep well tonight!  


jeudi, le 29 septembre:

Today we continued with prepositions of location in French.

They are drawing a picture of a classroom and writing 10 sentences to describe the location of the items in their classroom.  Their sentences should follow this model:

Un crayon est sur* le pupitre.

The underlined words will be substituted for their items and the *word will change according to the position of the items.

In Math, we began to talk about Patterning.  Our learning goals for the next couple à of weeks will be:

Today they were asked to discuss the following questions:

1). Why do you think we need to learn about patterns?

2). What do you already know about patterns?

3) Where do you see pattern in the world?


vebdredi, le 30 septembre:

This morning, the students were in the computer lab on http://prodigygame.com to practise their number sense and patterning skills.

We had an assembly to recognize our character trait of the month (Respect).  Congratulations to our 2 award recipients!

In French, we continued with some comprehension practice involving location words.  Those who did not complete their work should have brought it home to finish on the weekend.

In English, we reviewed the parts of a sentence and are finishing some practice:

In Social Studies, we have a quiz next Thursday on the provinces and territories.  They will need to show me where each one is located on a map of Canada and they need to know how to say them in French.



















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