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What did you do at school today? JUNE EDITION
lundi, le 5 juin: The students had Art and a special Rugby presentation during their Library period today. In français, we went over vocabulary for les sports, les activités, les verbes, et les équipements. Next we reviewed the verb faire de. In Math, the students had a probability test on google classroom. We had Reading Buddies, followed by more time to complete the Math test. We ran out of time for English, but I have sent them home with a review sheet on similes and metaphors to review what we have been doing in class. Just a reminder that this coming Thursday is our school's Jump Rope for Heart Event. Try to get the donation envelopes in before the event. Also, Friday is a PA Day. There will be no school for students on that day. mardi, le 6 juin: In français, the students did some translation work using jouer, faire, les activités, and les endroits. In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the different stages to become a knight i...
What did you do at school today? DECEMBER EDITION
lundi, le 1er décembre: Today, the class had Art with Mr. N. where they are working on a really cool perspective piece. He has sent it home with them so they can continue working on it. In français, I gave them one more period to work on the students' review games on http://kahoot.it since a few groups needed more time. We will present them on Monday in class. They had Library today and Science. In the afternoon, we did our monthly seating change. My choice this month 😁. In Math, we learned another way of displaying data called Stem and Leaf charts. It's a great way to show numeric data and find the median. I have sent some practice home for the weekend. In English, we took up some plural work and then talked about the elements of narratives. The students began a story map of the novels they have been reading online. I have sent home some plural practice for the weekend. A reminder that we have our spelling quiz on Monday for ...
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ReplyDeleteIn Math, we are learning to represent, compare, and order numbers up to 10,000.
ReplyDeleteNext up, we will be identifying and comparing different types of
quadrilaterals (i.e., rectangle, square, trapezoid,
parallelogram, rhombus). We will then sort andclassify them by their geometric properties.