What did you do at school today? JUNE EDITION

lundi, le 5 juin:

The students had Art and a special Rugby presentation during their Library period today.

In français, we went over vocabulary for les sports, les activités, les verbes, et les équipements.
Next we reviewed the verb faire de.

In Math, the students had a probability test on google classroom.

We had Reading Buddies, followed by more time to complete the Math test.

We ran out of time for English, but I have sent them home with a review sheet on similes and metaphors to review what we have been doing in class.

Just a reminder that this coming Thursday is our school's Jump Rope for Heart Event.  Try to get the donation envelopes in before the event.  Also, Friday is a PA Day.  There will be no school for students on that day.

mardi, le 6 juin:

In français, the students did some translation work using jouer, faire, les activités, and les endroits.

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the different stages to become a knight in the Middle Ages.

In Math, we began Transformational Geometry by understanding how to use coordinate grids.
The students are creating their own design on a coordinate grid, then providing clear instructions for a partner to duplicate the design.  This needs to be done for tomorrow.

In English, we did a little riddle which makes you think about how hard you work and how important attitude is:

Then, we took up the simile/metaphor work from yesterday.  They will have a quiz on similes and metaphors on Thursday.

mercredi, le 7 juin:

We began the day in the computer lab, reviewing faire/jouer on kahoot.it.  Next, they completed a written task on Google Classroom covering the same content.

After recess, we had a mini-assembly where the Grade 7/8 class talked to us about their Water Walk. Then, we participated in the Water Walk, led by the Grade 7/8s.  Have your student tell you a bit about why we walked around the Emily Carr school grounds today.

The students had Music with Mr. Rozehnal today.

In Math, the students switched their coordinate grid pictures and followed each other's coordinates to try to create an exact copy of their partner's picture.  I have given them some practice for home tonight.

In English, I taught them about alliteration in poetry.  We looked at some examples in class and they worked on creating some example of their own.

They will be having a short Simile/Metaphor quiz tomorrow just to make sure they have understood what we have been discussing in class.  All they really need to do to prepare for it is to understand the difference between the two.

Reminder:  Tomorrow afternoon from 2:00 - 3:05 is our Jump Rope for Heart event.  It takes place outside, so please make sure you child has enough water, sunscreen, and maybe a hat.  Thank you to all who have returned their donation envelopes.  Please make sure to send remaining envelopes tomorrow.

jeudi, le 8 juin:

In français, we started with some review of faire/jouer and took it up together.  I have sent some written practice home for the weekend.


In Sciences Sociales, the students watched some French videos on certain aspects of life in the Middle Ages.  Then they completed some comprehension questions based on what they watched.

In la Danse, today was their last day to rehearse their "Changement des Saisons" dances.  They will present them next Monday.

In English, they had their Simile/Metaphor quiz.

Due to our Jump Rope for Heart event, we did not have a full Math class today.  I have given them some work to do over the weekend on Grids.

Great energy and enthusiasm today at Jump Rope for Heart ❤️.

Reminder:  Tomorrow is a PA Day.  NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS.
Next Wednesday is our school Dance-a-thon.  Please continue to collect funds to bring in for Wednesday.  Only students who have done a minimal amount of fundraising $2-$5) will be able to participate as it is a fundraising event to support more technology in our school.

lundi, le 12 juin:

Today, I had to supervise on the Safety Patrol trip so my students spent the day with other classes.  As a result, each student's experience was different as they were following the timetables for the classes they were in.

NO HOMEWORK!  Enjoy the night off!

mardi, le 13 juin:

The students had Art, Library, Computer Lab, and Reading Buddies today.

In français, we watched a video called "Les Jeux Cosmiques" to reinforce the sports vocabulary we have been learning in class.

In Math, we talked about turns, slides, and flips but we learned new names for each of these actions which the students will use from this point forward in their Math learning.

a "slide" is actually called a translation
a "flip" is actually called a reflection
a "turn" is actually called a rotation

The students then spent some class time working from Nelson Math 4 Workbook.  They finished in class so no homework.

mercredi, le 14 juin:

In français, I taught the students how to form the imperative for verbs to give suggestions, reminders, or commands.

Next, we began our French novel Les Dragons de Lacolle.  We will be reading it and doing some activities based on it until the end of the school year.

In Math, the students completed some Translations practice from Nelson Math 4, page 384 #4-7.

In English, we looked at another form of poem called "Concrete Poetry".  We read several examples together, and the students are expected to complete a concrete poem of their own.  Concrete poetry (also known as shape poetry) is created by using words, sentences, letters, to create a specific shape.
Below are some examples of concrete poetry:
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « concrete poetry »
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « concrete poetry »
We had our Dance-a-thon today.  So much fun!!!! Thank you to all who donated.  Your children danced their hearts out!  It was a pleasure to be able to enjoy the dance with kids who really know how to enjoy themselves in appropriate ways!
jeudi, le 15 juin:

We started the day in the computer lab.  The students completed a survey about the year on Google forms.

Next, we continued reading from Les Dragons de Lacolle and they worked on some comprehension activities in small groups.

We had a presentation from Concerned Kids Puppet Theatre on Mental Health.  The students can discuss with you what they learned.

The students had Music with Mr. R.

Next, we worked on a TOP SECRET project - shhhh!

In Math, we reviewed translations and looked at how to do reflections of shapes on a coordinate grid.  The students worked on some activities from Nelson Math 4, page 389, #5-6.

Reminders:  yearbook covers and concrete poems are due tomorrow

We are going swimming!!!! Well, we are going to SWIM TO SURVIVE.  We have been fortunate enough to be accepted into the TDSB's Swim To Survive program.  The program has s designed to help students feel more comfortable around the water.  The instructors are certified and this will be our fourth year participating.  There is no fee for this but we ask that signed permission forms be returned as quickly as possible as the program begins next Tuesday, June 20.

vendredi, le 16 juin:

This morning we had our STEM Challenge.  The students participated in some Math and Engineering activities and had loads of fun doing it!

Next, we voted on our class yearbook cover.  Congratulations to our winners!  All of the covers will make an appearance in the final book.

In Math, we played Coordinate Battleship to practise using coordinate grids.

In English, we examined a new form of poetry called Haiku, which originated in Japan and usually talks about an element of nature (but doesn't need to) and has a fixed structure:  3 lines:  5 - 7 - 5 syllables.  

And my favourite...

In la Danse, the remaining groups presented their Changements Des Saisons dances on the stage in the gym.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all our dads!  Thanks for supporting your kids all year long.

lundi, le 19 juin:

We began the day in the computer lab where the students completed a Reflection Survey about their school year.

Next, in français, we continued reading Les Dragons de Lacolle and answered reading questions based on what we have read so far.

 In Math, we talked about Reflections on a coordinate grid before working on some practice from Nelson Math 4, page 387, #3-5.

In English, I showed them another form of poetry called Cinquain poems which contain 5 lines, and the syllable structure:  2   4   6   8   2.  Next, the students worked on creating their own Cinquain poem as well as finishing their Haikus from last week.

The students had a special visitor come in for Gym class to teach them how to play cricket.

A reminder that we begin our Swim to Survive tomorrow.  Please make sure to pack a towel, swim wear (T-shirts and shorts/leggings are allowed), a brush, a plastic bag (for wet items), and fresh clothes to change into after swimming.
Of note: 
Please be advised that due to a scheduling conflict at Cedarbrae Pool on Thursday, June 22, our swim session for that date has been cancelled.  To make up for the time missed, we will be given extra time at the pool on Friday, June 23.  (So we will still end up with the appropriate amount of hours to complete the program.)  In order to accommodate the time extension, we will be leaving during lunch so those students who usually go home at lunch will need to bring a lunch on Friday, June 23 to eat at school before we leave.

mardi, le 20 juin:

The students had Art and Library this morning.

In français, we continued reading Les Dragons de Lacolle, page 14.  

In la Danse, we watched some examples of Stomp/Stamping and talked briefly about the history of the dance form. The students are working to create their own body percussion piece.

This afternoon, we had our first session of Swim to Survive!!! Ask your child how it went.

Upon our return, we talked about personification (giving human characteristics to non-human things) in poetry. We read an example called "Snowflake" and the students will be creating one last poem to add to their collection.

mercredi, le 21 juin:

Happy First Day of Summer!

In français, the students practised on french-games.net to review their sports vocabulary. Then, they read on in Les Dragons de Lacolle (pages 15 and 16).

 In Math, the students are using Rotations and Reflections to create some artwork.

In English, the students read a comic about Canada's Sesquicentennial (150th) Celebrations.  

Next, they had some time to work on completing their poetry packages (which are due on Friday).

jeudi, le 22 juin:

We began the day in the computer lab where the students worked together to create a memory page for our class yearbook.

In français, we discussed the answers to the questions from pages 14, 15, and 16 of Les Dragons de Lacolle. Then we read up to the end of page 19. The students are working in groups to present the story in a dramatic way. They will have two more class periods to rehearse before presenting next Tuesday in class. They can be practising their own lines at home.

They had Music this afternoon.

In Math, we talked about geometric patterns in quilting using translations, rotations, and reflections. They are creating their own "quilts" on chart paper and will be explaining their steps using Math terminology.

They had a period to work on their poems which are due tomorrow.

Please remember that tomorrow is our double session of Swim to Survive so ALL students will need to bring a lunch to be eaten in the classroom tomorrow morning before we leave. Please make sure you do not plan to drop off a lunch over the lunch hour because we will be leaving right at the beginning of lunch.

vendredi, le 23 juin:

We began our day working on the Math quilt task from yesterday. Here are some examples of their work:

Next, we played a verb review game to review all of the different verbs we covered this year (ER, IR, avoir, etre, faire, aller).

They had a period to practise their oral presentations of Les Dragons de Lacolle before we ate our lunch and boarded the bus for swimming.

Today was our final session of Swim to Survive.

During our last period, the students had a chance to work together on their Gumboot dances which they will present on Monday.

lundi, le 26 juin:

Today will be the last blog post for the 2016-2017 season. It has been a pleasure working with your children all year long. Thank you all for your support and encouragement you provide for them at home to help them be more successful at school. *OF NOTE: I will not be updating this blog over the summer and I will not be responding to comments left on the blog. Before the last day of school (Thursday, June 29) however, I will be posting a link to a French review folder that the kids can use as a refresher for next year. I have also posted a number of suggestions in another blog post for how you can help your child stay fresh (academically) throughout the summer. Check it out!

Each day, we will be working on finishing our Les Dragons de Lacolle books for le français. We will present our dramas to the class on Thursday.

In Math, we will be finishing our Geometric Patterning quilts and then we will do a series of review activities in class for the remainder of the week.

In English, we will be sharing our poems and then doing a series of quick review activities of the main grammar points we have covered this year.

The students will continue to have la Danse once a day until Thursday where we will learn and share some new moves.

Today, we had our pizza celebration, accompanied by some free computer exploration time as a reward for their hard work fundraising over the past month of school.

Have a safe and fun summer with your family and friends. See you all in September!


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