What did you do at school today? MAY EDITION


lundi, le 1er mai:

In français, we had our IR verb quiz. I was able to mark them over lunch so your child already has his/her results. Ask to see the quiz.

Next, the students had 2 work periods to work on their Ancient Civilizations projects from last week.  
In Science, they worked on their Habitat projects which are due May 10.

In Math, we reviewed naming fractions and representing fractions in images.

The students had Phys. Ed. today.

In English, we had our Bridge to Terabithia Spelling and Vocabulary test.  Next, the students are working on some comprehension questions from chapters 4 - 8 on Google Classroom to help them prepare well for their Comprehension Test on Chapters 1 - 8 on Wednesday, May 3.

mardi, le 2 mai:

In français, we did a listening test where the students needed to identify various subjects and verb forms they heard in a sentence.
Next, we played a review game on IR verbs

I gave them a period to work on their la Danse where they will be telling a story "Les Changements des Saisons" through dance and movement.

In Math, we discussed real world applications of fractions (If a bag of cookies holds 25 cookies, what's the fraction for 32 cookies?). They have work from Nelson Math 4, page 329, #4, 5, and 7.

In English, we reviewed Chapters 1-8 for our test tomorrow. The students know that they have to know the book well and will not be allowed to use it during the test. They should be rereading tonight.

mercredi, le 3 mai:
In français, we learned the present tense forms of the verb ALLER:

Next, we reviewed some vocabulary related to different places around a city:

Finally, we put it all together to create sentences in French.  For example:  Je vais au parc.

In Sciences Sociales, they worked on their research projects for les Civilisations Anciennes.

In Math, we talked more about real life applications of fractions in sets.  For example:  Donuts come in boxes of 12.  If I ate 1 1/12  boxes of donuts, how many donuts did I eat?  


We were supposed to have our English test on Bridge to Terabithia, but we had our Emily Carr Community Clean Up so the entire school went outside to pick up garbage and clean up our school yard.  Therefore, the students have one extra night to prepare for their reading test on chapters 1 - 8.
jeudi, le 4 mai:
The morning was a bit different as the students participating in the Science Fair were in the gym presenting their projects for the judges. Since 2/3 of the class were out, the remaining few students just worked on their Ancient Civilizations projects for half the time and worked on some fraction practice on prodigygame.com. That way, the students in the Science Fair did not miss anything new.

In Math, we took up the work from the textbook yesterday. Then we talked about how to write tenths as decimals. They have work from Nelson Math 4, page 331, #5-9 to complete tonight.

In English, the students had their Test for Chapters 1 - 8 for The Bridge to Terabithia.
vendredi, le 5 mai:

I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all those parents who came out to support your children in the Science Fair last night.  It was a great turnout and I heard nothing but positive comments.  Your kids are AMAZING!

Today, the students had Art with Mr. N. and Library with Ms. Williams.  

In Sciences Sociales, they worked on their Ancient Civilizations projects.

In Science, they worked in their Habitats projects.

In Math, we did some review of all the fractions topics we have covered so far:

In English, the students are working on creating a scrapbook for their own version of Terabithia.

They should read chapter 9 of Bridge to Terabithia by Monday.

*A reminder to the parents of students in the Hammer Band:  Monday, May 8 is the concert at Alexander Stirling PS.

lundi, le 8 mai:

In français, we learned about the different methods of transportation commonly used. We then connected that to what we learned last week with the verb ALLER and the ENDROITS DE LA VILLE.
The students completed an exercise to practice on Google Classroom.

They had one period to continue on their Ancient Civilizations projects.

In Math, we reviewed how to write fraction tenths as decimals:
In English, I returned their tests on Bridge to Terabithia and we discussed Chapter 9 before working on the scrapbooks they started last Friday.  Homework tonight:  read Chapter 10.

mardi, le 9 mai:

In français, we took up the rest of the questions from yesterday on le verbe ALLER, les endroits de la ville, and les moyens de transport.

Next, I gave the students some examples of maps of cities with the various places labelled in French. The students are now making their own city maps on Google Drawings. If you have access to a computer or tablet at home, ask your child to show you what he / she has done so far. Below are the examples, I shared with them.


In Math, we played a fraction and decimal matching game before working on some review. They will be having a quiz on Thursday. I am putting some links below to some review from Nelson Math 4 to help them prepare.


In English, I gave them some class time to work on their Bridge to Terabithia scrapbook.

Homework for tonight: read Chapter 11.

A reminder that the Habitats project for Science is due tomorrow. ALL materials need to be here for the presentation.

Birchmount forms for those participating are due tomorrow. 

Congratulations to 2 groups from our class who won first and second place in the Emily Carr STEAM Fair!!!!

mercredi, le 11 mai:

In français, the students continued to work on their maps of the city on Google Drawings. (See yesterday's post for further details.)

In Science, some of the students presented their Habitats projects. The rest will go tomorrow. Here are some examples of the amazing work they have done:

In Math, we reviewed for our Fractions and Decimals quiz tomorrow. For at home practice, they have review from Nelson Math 4, pages 348-349, #1-11.

During our English period today, we worked on a little surprise for someone very special.  Shhh!  It's a secret.

Tonight, they need to read Chapter 12.

Here are some examples of the great artwork your kids have created:

jeudi, le 11 mai:

In Sciences Sociales, the students worked on their Ancient Civilizations projects.  They are due next Tuesday for presentation to the class.

In Science, they continued to present their Habitat projects.

In English, the students worked ahead on their scrapbooks for Bridge to Terabithia.  Tonight's homework is to read the last chapter (13).  We will be having our final comprehension test on the book next Tuesday, May 16.

In Math, we had our Fractions test.  

We also had a kick-off assemble for the upcoming Jump Rope for Heart fundraising event at our school.  The students have been sent home with an envelope for pledges and our school event will take place on June 8 in the afternoon.  For online pledges, you can visit the Jump Rope for Heart website at jumpropeforheart.ca.

vendredi, le 12 mai:


The students had Art and Library today.

In Sciences Sociales, it was the last full work period for the students to work on their Ancient Civilizations projects.  They are due on Tuesday.

In Math, I returned their quizzes on Fractions and Decimals.  Then we looked at how to write decimal hundredths.  We did some examples as a class and they have a worksheet for practice on the weekend.

In English, we worked on finishing up a secret project before completing some comprehension questions on Chapters 9 to 13 from Bridge to Terabithia to help them prepare for the final test on Tuesday, May 16.

A reminder for those students attending Birchmount, some of you need to be at school for the 7:45 am bus in order to make it in time for your event.  Check below:

**All other students can arrive at regular time to go on the second bus.**

Et Bonne Fête des Mères!

lundi, le 15 mai:

*Please note that we had 9 students from our class away today at Birchmount.  For that reason, I did not teach anything new.  Instead, we used the time to review what we have been working on and I was able to give those students who were in class some bonus time for completing their Ancient Civilizations projects.

In français, the students reviewed ALLER, les ENDROITS, et les MOYENS DE TRANSPORT. We took it up as a class. They should review the forms of the verb ALLER, as well as the methods of transportations for a quiz late next week.

Next, the students had one hour to work on their Ancient Civilizations projects. They are due (in whichever format they have chosen) tomorrow.

In Math, we reviewed addition and subtraction with decimal tenths and hundredths on www.prodigygame.com.

In English, the students reviewed the last half of Bridge to Terabithia to prepare for their test tomorrow. No books will be allowed during the test so it is important that they review the questions I gave them at home.

mardi, le 16 mai:

In français, I taught the students how to give basic street directions. We then practised giving and following directions using maps created by the students.

In Sciences Sociales, a couple of the students presented their Ancient Civilizations projects today. We will continue with the presentations tomorrow.

In Math, we took up the homework sheet from last Friday and I have sent them home with some addition and subtraction and changing fractions to decimals practice to work on tonight to prepare for the quiz on Friday.

In English, the students wrote their final comprehension test on Bridge to Terabithia.  We will be watching the movie based on the book tomorrow afternoon in class.

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS:  If you would like to make a request for some music to be played during our Jump Rope for Heart event, you can do so by going to the following link.  Don't forget that the music needs to be appropriate for school (no bad language) and it should have something to do with the idea of jumping.

mercredi, le 17 mai:

In français, we practised the verb ALLER, les ENDROITS, and les MOYENS DE TRANSPORT. The students then had fun directing their classmates around the classroom using their direction vocabulary we learned yesterday.

In Sciences Sociales, we got through many Ancient Civilizations projects. There are still a couple left to go.

As promised, this afternoon we watched the film version of Bridge to Terabithia. Tomorrow, we will discuss the similarities and differences between the book and the film.

NO HOMEWORK!!!! Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!!!!
jeudi, le 18 mai:

In français, the students completed some review on ALLER, and les MOYENS DE TRANSPORT.

In Math, they reviewed decimal addition and subtraction for their quiz tomorrow.

They had Reading Buddies today followed by a comparison between the film and the book Bridge to Terabithia.

vendredi, le 19 mai:

In français, the students practised giving directions.

In Math, they had their test on decimal tenths and hundredths.

In English, the students finished their comparisons from yesterday and then worked on their scrapbooks.

Have a safe and happy long weekend!

mardi, le 23 mai:

In français, the students did some more translations using ALLER, les ENDROITS, et les MOYENS DE TRANSPORT.  Then we practised moving people around the classroom using French directions.

In Sciences Sociales, we continued with the Ancient Civilizations project presentations.  We should finish them all by tomorrow.  Then we will move on with out study of life in the Middle Ages.

In Math, we began Probability.  We discussed some key vocabulary and did some questions from Nelson Math 4 together.  The worksheet was completed by most of the kids in class today but it is for homework if they did not finish.

The students began a new Health unit today with Mr. N. for which a blue letter was sent home last week.  If you do not wish for your child to participate in the Puberty discussion, you can call the school.  They will be having a brief quiz on today's lesson next Health class (Friday).

In English, I returned their tests on Bridge to Terabithia.  Some of the students missed many important details in their reading and will need to complete any wrong answers from the test and return to me by Friday.  Also, they should be working on their scrapbooks each night at home as they will be due Friday, May 26.

mercredi, le 24 mai:

In français, the students worked online to do some review for our quiz tomorrow.  I have also sent home an additional review page for them to practise at home:

Next, we had the rest of our Ancient Civilizations project presentations.  ALL FINISHED!!

The students missed Music today because Mr. R. was absent and there was no guest teacher.

In Math, we did some practice probability questions.  I have given them some work to do at home tonight for additional practice.
In Class:

At home:

In English, they were given a double period to work on their Bridge to Terabithia scrapbooks.  They are due on Friday.  I am posting the criteria one more time for reference.

jeudi, le 25 mai:

In français, the students wrote their quiz on ALLER, les ENDROITS, et les MOYENS de TRANSPORT.

In Sciences Sociales, we talked about l'Heraldique (coats of arms/flags) from the Moyen Age and we looked at some of the meanings of certain colours and symbols often found on the coat of arms/flag for a particular castle. Next, the students began creating their own "armoiries" which symbolize themselves and would have represented them in the Moyen Age.

In Math, we played a probability game based on selection. Tonight they have a probability experiment to conduct at home.

In English, I gave them the double period to work on finishing their Bridge to Terabithia scrapbooks (see previous posts for the criteria). They still require a bit more time so I am extending the due date for this until Monday, May 29.

vendredi, le 26 mai:

We began the day in the computer lab to review probability with 2 kahoots.

Next, the students worked on planning and rehearsing their "Changement des Saisons" dances.

In français, I returned their quizzes from yesterday and then I introduced the criteria for an oral presentation which includes all of the language and grammar we have been covering for the past few weeks. They will be presenting these next Friday, June 2.

In Math, I taught the students how to use probability trees to show combinations. We did several examples together as a class and I have sent some practice home for the weekend.

The students had Health today with Mr. N.

In English, they had a small block of time to work on their Bridge to Terabithia scrapbooks which are due on Monday.

lundi, le 29 mai:

The class had Art and Library today.

In français, they worked on writing their scripts for their oral presentations.

In Math, we had a period in the lab to review Probability and then we took up the tree diagram work from last Friday. They have a probability task to work on tomorrow but I gave it to them tonight in case they want to start planning for it.

We had Reading Buddies with Ms. Parish's class this afternoon.

In English, they submitted their scrapbooks. Next, I had then select their own reading passage for an upcoming CASI reading assessment. Once CASI has been completed (it will take about 3 days in class), we will be beginning a poetry unit.

mardi, le 30 mai:

In français, they worked on writing their scripts for their oral presentations again. (See yesterday.) They should be taking home their notebooks to practise their own lines each night for the rest of the week as I would like them to memorize their lines for Friday.

In Sciences Sociales, they worked on their coat of arms and are writing a paragraph in French to explain why they have included certain elements. I have given them some model sentences to use.

In Math, we worked on creating our own probability question involving tree diagrams.  If they have not finished their own problem and solution, they will need to finish it tonight so they can share with the class tomorrow.

In English, the students began to read and respond to their CASI reading assessment selection.  They cannot take these home as they are meant to be a reflection of what they are capable of doing independently so we will finish them up tomorrow.

mercredi, le 31 mai:

In français, the students did some verb review on all of the verbs they have learned this year.  Then they spent some time on their group oral presentations.  A reminder that they should be rehearsing their own lines each night leading up to Friday's presentation.

In Sciences Sociales, the students read about becoming a knight in the Middle Ages (Du l'écuyer au chevalier).  They also learned about the different types of armour worn by the knights.

In Math, the students worked on some probability review from their Nelson Math 4 textbook, pages 393-394, #1-6.

In English, they finished up their CASI reading assessment.




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