What did you do at school today? APRIL edition

lundi, le 3 avril:

Today was a bit of a different day.  I had to chaperone the Safety Patrollers on their excursion, so my students were spread out across different classes today.  I prepared a package of French, Social Studies, Math, and Language activities for them to do throughout the day.

Upon my return to the school, the students returned to class and we worked on finishing our Middle Ages vocabulary which the students will be using to write a narrative which takes place in the Middle Ages.  It is based on the story they read last Friday called Harald and the Giant, in which the characters are reversed (the knight is the bad guy and the giant is the good guy).  The students will be writing their stories over the next few days and then they will be sharing them with the class for an Oral Reading mark.  

Due to the different nature of the day, there is NO HOMEWORK tonight.  Enjoy the night off!

mardi, le 4 avril:

We began our day in the Computer lab playing Kahoot to review our food vocabulary.

In français, we listened to several dialogues in a restaurant setting. Below is the transcript of the dialogues. The students are writing their own scripts for an oral presentation set in a restaurant.

We have a quiz on Les Comparaisons on Thursday so they have a review sheet for homework.
In Math, we began a 3D Geometry project.  The students are building structures created from individual 3D shapes.  To create each shape, they must make a net and then put it together.  For each shape, they are going to fill out a chart with details such as number of faces, edges, and vertices.  Once they have that completed, they will put their shapes together to create a structure.  Then, they will compare the number of faces, edges, and vertices of their new composite structure with the total from the original shapes.

Here are some images of the kids at work today.  For privacy reasons, I will not post any faces.

In English, the students continued to work on their vocabulary sheets for the Middle Ages and the rough copy for their story (see yesterday's post).  I will be collecting their vocabulary sheets tomorrow so anyone who has not finished will have to finish tonight for homework.

REMINDER:  For those students who are participating in the Moana movie night, it is tomorrow after school in the gym.

mercredi, le 5 avril:

The students had Art and Library this morning.  They have to prepare their base for their 3D sculptures at home by next Wednesday's art class.

In français, we took up yesterday's homework to help prepare for the comparison quiz tomorrow. I have sent home another review sheet tonight for them to practise.

In Science, the students read about Natural Habitats and Humans.  They should reread the pages to make sure they fully understand what they have read for tomorrow's class.

In Math, the students continued building their structures from yesterday.  They will still need at least one more period in class to complete the structures. (See yesterday's post for details.)

In English, they worked on their rough copies of their Middle Ages stories.  Rough copies are due tomorrow.  (See post from earlier in the week for details.)

jeudi, le 6 avril:

This morning, we completed the TDSB Student Census in class.  Your child can talk to you about the questions if you like.  The Parent Census will be written later.

Next, we had our quiz on les comparaisons and then the students had a work period to work on their Au Restaurant presentation scripts.

They have a Science quiz tomorrow on Habitats and Adaptations.

In Math, the students continued to build their 3D shapes for their project.  Today was the last day to build so some will have to finish up at home.  Tomorrow, we will complete the rest of the chart.  (See the post from earlier this week for further details.)

In English, the students peer edited their rough copies of their Middle Ages narratives.  They will need to make any changes before submitting it to me tomorrow.  I will return their rough copies on Monday and they will do their oral reading of the stories beginning on Wednesday, April 12, 2017.

REMINDER:  There is a spelling test on the Middle Ages vocabulary on Monday.  Vocabulary list:

1. heir
2.  archbishop
3. squire
4.   cloak
5.  knight
6.  abbey
7.  noble
8.  joust
9.  minstrel
10.  lute
11.  keep  (noun/thing)
12.  portcullis
13.  rival
14.  chamber
15.  tunic

vendredi, le 7 avril:

In français, we went to the computer lab and the students watch a series of 3 videos of people in a restaurant setting. They then completed some comprehension questions based on the videos (listening comprehension).

Next, the students worked with their groups on their Au Restaurant presentations. We will be presenting them to the rest of the class next Wednesday, April 12 so they should be reviewing their own lines at home each day leading up to the presentations.

In Math, the students had a last work period to complete their 3D projects. I have also given them some 3D review of faces, and edges for the weekend.

Here are a couple of their 3D structures:

In English, we created some success criteria for our oral reading presentations of their Middle Ages stories. They will begin presenting their stories to the class on Tuesday, April 11. The readings will take place over several days as each story will take some time to complete. ALL STUDENTS NEED TO BE READY TO PRESENT ON TUESDAY REGARDLESS AS I WILL BE RANDOMLY SELECTING NAMES OF PRESENTERS.

Spelling and vocabulary test on Monday based on their Middle Ages vocabulary. (See yesterday for the list) This time, the students will need to know the spelling AND meanings of each word list.

lundi, le 10 avril:

In français, we learned the verb forms for prendre, commander, and vouloir.
Next, the students worked on their Au Restaurant presentations.  They will present on Wednesday, April 12.

In la Danse, I taught them the basic 5 positions for arms and feet in ballet. 
In Math, we discussed mass and capacity and the units used to measure each.  Tonight, they have to look around the house for items which would be measured using the following units:  mL, L, g, and kg.

In English, we had our spelling and vocabulary test.  We corrected it in class so ask your child how he/she did.  Next, I gave them some time to practise their oral reading of their Middle Ages stories which they will present on Wednesday instead of Tuesday since I will be taking another class on an excursion tomorrow.

mardi, le 11 avril:

In français, the students worked on some verb practice on Google Classroom.  

Next, they worked on their Au Restaurant presentations.

In Math, they worked in Nelson Math 4, pages 314-315, #1-11.
We had reading buddies and physical education.

In English, they read a passage about Medieval Castles.

mercredi, le 13 avril:

The students had art with Mr. N. and library with Ms. Williams.

In français, the students presented their Au Restaurant presentations.

In Math, the students worked to finish the work from pages 314-315 in Nelson Math 4 (see yesterday). I have given them some extra word problems involving mass and capacity to do tonight. (from helpingwithmath.com)

In English, half of the class presented their oral readings for their Medieval Times narratives.  The other half will present tomorrow.

jeudi, le 13 avril:

In français, we reviewed the verb PRENDRE and the students did some grammar practice with the verb forms.  I have sent them home with some additional practice.

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the social structure and moved on to the main parts of a Medieval castle.
In Math, we took up yesterday's work together.  They have homework from Nelson Math 4, pages 316-317, #1-6.

In English, we finished the remaining Oral Reading presentations.  Next week, we will be starting a new novel study on The Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson.  I have asked the students to read the first chapter over the weekend to be ready to discuss on Tuesday.

Have a safe and happy long weekend.

 mardi, le 18 avril:

In français, we took up their homework from the weekend on the verb Prendre. Next, the students learned how to conjugate IR verbs. We did some practice in class for the verbs choisir, rougir, grandir, and maigrir.

In Sciences Sociales, we finished labelling the main parts of a medieval castle in French. They have a quiz on it next Tuesday, April 25.

In Math, we took up the homework from pages 316-317 as a class. They have a quiz on 3D figures, their properties, Mass, and Capacity on Friday, April 21, 2017. In class, the students are also working on a chapter task which is due next Tuesday but is not for homework tonight.

In English, we discussed Chapter One of our novel Bridge to Terabithia.  The students need to finish Chapter 2 by tomorrow.

Please note that Pizza lunch money and forms are due tomorrow.  Pizza Lunch is next Thursday.

mercredi, le 19 avril:

In français, we did some translation exercises using the new IR verbs we learned.

In Sciences Sociales, the students read about Les Chateaux and answered some basic comprehension questions. They have a quiz on the parts of a chateau fort next Tuesday so they should be bringing it home to study a little bit each night.

In Math, they worked on their chapter task (see yesterday's post for details).

In English, we discussed Chapter 2 and talked about the writer's use of similes (a figurative language device used by writers to give a really clear description by comparing 2 things using "like" or "as"). They are going to look for more similes in the book as they continue to read. Reading for tonight is Chapter 3.

In Media, Ms. Williams has given them an assignment which is due next Wednesday:

**Please note that there will be less homework (mainly reading) over the next week or so to allow those students who have chosen to work on a Science Fair project the time they need to complete them.

jeudi, le 20 avril:

In français, we went to the computer lab to work on an activity on IR verbs on our Google Classroom.

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the parts of a castle and took up the questions from yesterday.

In Math, I gave them a review sheet with questions similar to what we will have on the quiz tomorrow. I am posting the answers as well for them.

In English, they need to finish Chapter 4 of Bridge to Terabithia for tomorrow.

*My apologies for not updating the blog on Friday.  I was absent and had no access to a computer.

lundi, le 24 avril

In français, the students reviewed IR verbs on the board. We will have a quiz next Monday based on IR verb conjugation and translation. (See previous posts for IR verb endings as well as translation exercises.)

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the parts of "le chateau" to prepare for our quiz tomorrow. They will have to label the main parts of the chateau on a diagram.

In Science, the students are working on a Habitats project. Here is the outline:

In Math, we began our Fractions unit by reviewing what a fraction is (equal parts of a whole) as well as the numerator (the number of part needed/used/discussed) and the denominator (the TOTAL number of parts). They worked from Nelson Math 4, page 325, #3-7 in class.

In English, the students are beginning a vocabulary study on their novel The Bridge to Terabithia.  The 10 words will be their spelling works for this week.  Spelling Test next Monday, May 1.

mardi, le 25 avril:

In français, we are beginning to learn about places around a city. The students spend the first part of the day researching a base vocabulary (en français) for things and places which might be commonly found in any city.

In Sciences Sociales, we had our parts of a château quiz.

In Science, the students worked on their Habitats project.

They had Music after lunch.

In Math, we took up yesterday's work and our Math tests from last Friday. Ask your child to see his/her test results.

In English, I gave them a pop quiz on Chapters 1 - 4 of Bridge to Terabithia just to check on whether they have been keeping up with their reading. They need to read Chapter 7 for tomorrow.

A reminder that they have a Media assignment due tomorrow for Ms. Williams.

mercredi, le 26 avril:

In français, the students reviewed les verbes IR on the smart board. They have a quiz next Monday on the IR verb forms as well as some translation (ex. I am finishing. = Je finis. )

In Sciences Sociales, I introduced a project to them on Ancient Civilizations.  They will be choosing a civilization and talking about various aspects of it (ex.  daily life, homes, social systems, religion, inventions, location) in whichever format they want (oral presentation, poster, google slides, presi, power point...).  It will be due on Tuesday, May 16.  The learning goals and guiding questions for inquiry are below:

In Math, they worked on a Fraction gizmo at explorelearning.com.
In English, we took up our quiz from yesterday.  Some of the students have been told that they need to reread the chapters to make sure they have a good understanding of what they have read.  We are now on Chapter 8 and there are several of them who have clearly not read all of the chapters and they risk falling behind the rest of the class.  Ask your student to talk to you about what he or she has read.  They will be having a comprehension test next Wednesday on Chapters 1 - 8 of Bridge to Terabithia.
Homework for tonight:  read chapter 8.

jeudi, le 27 avril:

In français, the students did some more review of les verbes IR on the smart board. I have given them a worksheet to complete for homework to help prepare for the test on Monday.

In Sciences Sociales, the students worked on their Ancient Civilizations project.  See yesterday's post for details.  We have some sentence starters for them to use when completing their projects:
We had our Pizza Pizza lunch today and our monthly character assembly.  Congratulations to our winners for Co-operation this month!

In Math, we talked about improper fractions and mixed numbers.  Improper fractions have a numerator which is larger than the denominator and mixed numbers have whole numbers with fractions and represent fractions between two whole numbers.

from:  slideshare
They have a math sheet to work on tonight to practise going from one type of fraction to the other.

We talked a lot today about the importance of reading and thinking about questions, rather than jumping to the fastest solution (which is often incorrect).
I gave them a quick example:

If I spent a total of $1.10 on a bat and ball and the bat cost $1 more than the ball, how much was the ball?  Easy, right?  Or is it?  Most people asked will answer incorrectly at first.  Your child knows the correct answer.  Ask them to explain.

In English, we discussed the criteria for a good book cover.  Next, the students are beginning to create a new cover for their novel Bridge to Terabithia.

Weather permitting, tomorrow will be our Emily Carr Track and Field Day.  Please make sure your child wears comfortable clothing and appropriate running shoes.  A water bottle, sunscreen, and a hat are also a good idea.

vendredi, le 28 avril:

Today, we had our Emily Carr Track & Field Day.  The students were outside all day participating in the various events.  They will come home with some nice, new ribbons for you to see!

Since we were not in class today, the agendas were not done and there is no additional homework other than what was assigned yesterday.

Spelling Test on Monday on Bridge to Terabithia vocabulary.  Note that they will also need to know what the words mean (just like last time).

French quiz on IR verbs on Monday as well.



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