What did you do at school today? MARCH edition

mercredi. le premier mars:

It was a busy day today!
The students had art this morning.
This afternoon, we had a visit from The Kindness Club to talk about pets and responsibilities.  It was great to have our guests Christine and her dog Mistral in our classroom.

In Math, we did some multiplication practice in the computer lab.  I have given them more practice for home.  I am already seeing an improvement in their multiplication skills.  Keep encouraging them to practise their multiplication tables at home.

In English, we began our speeches.  These will take some time to complete as speech length varies depending on the visual and audio support the kids have chosen to use in their presentations.

jeudi, le 2 mars:

In français, the students created their own vocabulary list of Food related words on Google Classroom.
In Sciences Sociales, they continued to work on their comparative paragraphs about different physical regions of Canada.
In Math, we discussed some key words from word problems which tell us that we need to use multiplication (such as double, times, groups...).  They worked on some word problems and have some additional work to review tonight for their multiplication quiz tomorrow.  (It is just a quick check for me to see how they are doing before moving on to long division.)

In English, we continued our speeches on Black History Month.  Hopefully, we will have them all finished by tomorrow.

vendredi, le 3 mars:

In français, the students continued to compile new vocabulary words related to food.  They printed their word list for future use in the upcoming weeks. 

In Science, Ms. Takahashi has asked the students to complete the following worksheet on Habitats:

In Math, we had our Multiplication quiz and we took it up as a class so they will be able to share their grades with you tonight.  Most of the students scored well on the quiz so we are ready to begin some Long Division on Monday!  No Math homework this weekend except to review their multiplication tables.

In English, we finished our Black History Month speeches.  I am very proud of the students and the improvements they have made in their Oral Communication skills.  They have become much more confident and effective public speakers.

lundi, le 6 mars:

In français, we created some "Expert" groups for our food related vocabulary and we looked at some other useful words related to food and restaurants.  The students are in the process of creating their own menus which will be used in future presentations and other tasks this unit.

In Math, we began learning how to do long division.  We did several practice questions in class together.  The students are to complete one side (their choice) of the worksheet given in class.  I have also included a video the students can watch to remind them of the steps involved in completing a long division question.

In English, we looked at how to use apostrophes properly as I have noticed that many of our students are misusing them to form plurals (which is not a use for apostrophes AT ALL).  They have one sheet to finish tonight.

 mardi, le 7 mars:

In français, the students worked on creating their menus.  Some sample menus are below for reference:

We went to the computer lab to begin creating e-portfolios (On Google Sites) in which each student will be showcasing his/her class work and goals.  Today, they just began setting up their portfolio (which actually looks like a website but is completely protected within their Academic Workspace account).  Once we upload some work, I will ask them to share their sites with you via email so that you may have access to the portfolios as well.

In Science, they are working on posters for habitats.

In Math, we did more practice questions together on Long Division.  They are to finish their worksheet from yesterday OR those who finished already will work from Nelson Math 4, page 285, #7-8.

In la Danse, I shared with them 2 dances which tell a story and inspire me.  Next, they will share a dance which inspires them.

mercredi, le 9 mars:

The students had Art and Library today.

In Sciences Sociales, we began our Le Moyen Age unit.  We went over some key vocabulary that we will be using throughout the unit and briefly looked at La Structure Social / Le systeme feodal.

In français, I gave them some more time to complete their menus.

In Math, we took up the questions from Nelson Math 4, page 285 together and I gave them some additional practice for tonight at home.

In English, we took up the Contractions work they did on Monday.  They have additional practice using apostrophes tonight for homework.

 Please note that tomorrow afternoon, the students will be participating in a number of physical, team activities in the gym and will need to have appropriate clothing and shoes.

jeudi, le 9 mars:

We only had a half day of regular classes today as our teachers were participating in some professional development for the other half of the day.  During the afternoon, the students participated in some agility training/team-building exercises.

During the morning, we began with some inquiry in Les Sciences Sociales to discover the roles of the different people from le Moyen Age.  The students researched each person and tried to determine their connections to one another based on power, money, and land ownership.

Then, we spent some time reviewing Division for our quiz tomorrow.  They will have to show me that they know how to use multiplication to check their answers to a division question.  There is an example below.

 They have some extra practice for homework:
From Nelson Math 4, page 286

vendredi, le 10 mars:

We began the day in the computer lab on prodigygame.com to review division for our quiz today.

In la Danse, we talked about les différents types de danse.  I created a video presentation to share with them about the various forms of dance.  Next, I introduced them to Adobe Spark which is an app on the iPads which they will be using to create their own video presentation about une forme de la danse.  (Today, they explored the app and created little videos to practise.). After the March Break, they will begin making their dance video.

In Science, they are working on a critical habitat poster.  They are to include important information about the habitat as well as pictures to promote saving the habitat.  The rough is due on Monday, March 20, 2017.

In Media, they have an assignment on advertising.  The criteria is posted below.  It is also due on Monday, March 20, 2017.

In Math, the students did their quiz for long division.

For the remainder of the afternoon, the students had their reward time for acquiring 50 character trait points.  They have worked so hard this year on their school work and also on becoming some very responsible and mature students.

Next week is the March Break.  It is called a "break" for a reason.  Students need a break to unwind and spend quality time with their families.  It is important to have a well-balanced life.  For that reason, there is no official homework from me for the week.  Take some time out to relax and have fun together.  Perhaps play some board games with the kids or spend some time exploring the outdoors together.  For those who really need to do Math over the break, I will remind you of the websites I have recommended in the past.  There are many resources out there for you.  I have sent a package home in case you need more practice.  I will be happy to correct the work after the break but it is not mandatory.

Have a safe, and relaxing March Break.  I look forward to seeing you all back refreshed and ready to take on the last part of the year!

*Please note that I will not be updating the Google Classroom or this blog during the holidays.  Any comments will not receive a response until Monday, March 20, 2017 (after the break).

lundi, le 20 mars:

In français, we watched a video called Le Cas de la Nourriture Disparaissante to reinforce and add to the food vocabulary we have been gathering.  The students watched it and then responded to some comprehension questions.

In la Danse, the students began making their Adobe Spark videos on the iPads about one particular form/ style of dance.  The information needed for the video in outlined in the document linked below:

They will have a period each day this week to work on their video.  Once finished, I will post them on the blog for you to see.

In Science, they are working on the good copies of their Habitat posters - due on Friday.

In Math, we reviewed Multiplication and Division before working on some word problems.
Any work not completed in class today is for homework.  Nelson Math 4, page 257, #1-5 and page 287, #1, 3, 4, 5

In English, we read about Castle Life in the Middle Ages to help reinforce what we will be learning more about in Sciences Sociales and to give them an English foundation for what we will be discussing in French.

mardi, le 21 mars:

In français, the students continued to work on comprehension activities from the Cas de la Nourriture Disparaissante video which we watched yesterday.

In Math, the students worked on solving problems involving a mixture of Division and Multiplication.  

In English, we continued to read about life in the Middle Ages and the students are working on responding to the questions in Cornerstones 4b, page 110.

mercredi, le 22 mars:

Today was our Art and Library Day.  For Library, they have an assignment to complete for next Library class (Wednesday, March 30) based on a book they are reading.

In la Danse, the students continued to create their Adobe Spark videos about a specific form of dance.

In Math, the students worked cooperatively on an assignment on Google Classroom involving Multiplication and Division:


Next, we made the connection between Multiplication and Area.

Homework:  Nelson Math, page 225 A-E and Reflecting

In English, we continued the work from Cornerstones 4b since they didn't have enough time in class to finish the questions yesterday.

jeudi, le 23 mars:

In français, we learned how to compare things (we used our food vocabulary) using PLUS, MOINS, and AUSSI que.

To practise, the students created 5 original sentences to share with the class.  If they want to do some more practice at home, they can create more original sentences using people or food items.

I gave them a period to work on their La Danse Adobe Spark videos as well.

In Math, we connected area to multiplication by making the connection  between the area on a grid paper and the side lengths of rectangles.  Together, the students were able to come up with the formula:  Area = Length X Width

Homework was assigned from Nelson Math 4, page 230 (1, 2, 3) and page 231 (3, 6).

In English, some of the students needed additional time to finish the reading comprehension questions from Cornerstones 4b, page 110.  Once finished, the students watched a video and read about Earth Hour (which our school will be participating in on tomorrow from 2 - 3 pm) and began an assignment on Google Classroom.

vendredi, le 24 mars:

We began our day in the Computer lab on http://prodigygame.com to review multiplication and division. 

Next, we had a visit from the Dairy Farmers of Ontario to learn about the milk production industry.  The students enjoyed a very informative and interactive visit.  

Next, I gave them time to work on their Adobe Spark videos for La Danse.

The students had Music after lunch with Mr. Rozehnal.

In Math, we did some more problems involving the area of rectangles.  There will be a quiz next Wednesday, March 29 on area. We did some practice questions today in class and many students finished.  Anyone who did not finish during class should complete it for homework.

This afternoon from 2:00 to 3:00, we observed Earth Hour 🌏.  The students are creating posters or brochures to help promote the protection of our planet.  Global Earth Hour will be observed tomorrow evening from 8:30 to 9:30.  Take that time to shut off your lights and 'unplug' with your family.

lundi, le 27 mars:

In français, we reviewed how to write (and say) comparisons.  We looked at how to make agreements on adjectives (masculine/feminine/singular/plural) to be used properly in these comparisons.
We did some practice adding agreements on adjectives and took it up as a class.

In La Danse, the students continued to work on their Adobe Spark videos.  They will share their videos with the class on Thursday, March 30, 2017.

In Math, we went over some of the problems the students had with last week's homework.  Next, we took up the work from Friday.  I have given them a challenge to work on at home.  **Quiz on Wednesday, March 29 on AREA of rectangles.***


In English, the students worked on their Earth Hour posters which will be due tomorrow after one work period for finishing touches.

REMINDER:  Please note that the drop in floor hockey game against the police is tomorrow afternoon from 3:05 to 4:30.  Please also note that there is no permission form needed for your child to participate as long as you arrive with them. The permission form that was sent home was to be sent back to the school only if your child is above the age of 12 and will be participating without an adult. Since none of your children are above the age of 12 they must participate while accompanied by an adult and that permission form does not apply to you.  It was strictly to provide you with the details of the event.

mardi, le 28 mars:

In français, we worked on some comparative practice on Google Classroom.  Here is the link to the task:

Next, we had a visit by Public Health for Dental Screening.

In La Danse, the students are still working on their Adobe Spark videos.  They will have one more class tomorrow and they will share their videos on Thursday, March 30.

In Math, we took up the work from Monday.  Then I gave them some additional review for their AREA quiz tomorrow.

We had Reading Buddies and Gym this afternoon.

For English, the students had 20 minutes to complete their Earth Hour posters before submitting.

A Reminder:  The students have a Library assignment which is due tomorrow.

mercredi, le 29 mars:

The students had Art, Library, and Computer Lab today.

In français, we did some practice on the Smart Board with les comparatives.  They have a sheet for homework to reinforce what we are doing in class.

In La Danse, the students had their last class to complete their Adobe Spark videos.  We will be watching all videos tomorrow.

In Math, we had our quiz on Area.  Tomorrow we will be beginning 3-D Geometry.  NO MATH HOMEWORK TONIGHT

In English, we began reading a story about King Arthur from the Middle Ages called "The Sword and the Stone".  Ask them to tell you about what they read.

jeudi, le 30 mars:

In français, we did some more practice using plus, aussi, and moins que in sentences to compare people or things.  The students will have a quiz on this next Thursday, April 6.
For some additional practice online, visit:

In La Danse, we watched about 1/3 of their videos on a form of dance.  The students will continue to share the remaining videos tomorrow.

In Science, Ms. Takahashi noted that several of the students had not completed their homework.  Please look for a note from her in your child's agenda if he/she did not finish.

In Math, I returned their Area quiz and we began 3-D Geometry with some key words: face, edge, vertex, prism, pyramid, skeleton model, net. Next, they worked from the Nelson Math 4 textbook, pages 292-293 (A, B, C, D) and questions 1, 2, 3 from the DO YOU REMEMBER? box. Some students finished in class but the majority of them have to finish it for homework tonight.

In English, SPELLING IS BACK! I have selected 15 list words from all of the stories we have been reading about Medieval Times which will be their spelling list. They are to find a definition and provide a well-written sentence for each word. The dictation will be on Monday, April 10.

TOMORROW IS COLOUR SPIRIT DAY. Each class was given a specific colour to wear tomorrow. Our colour is green. If your child has anything green, encourage him/her to wear it tomorrow.

vendredi, le 31 mars:

In français, we did some more review with les comparatifs (plus, aussi, moins...que). I have given them more practice for this weekend to help them review for the quiz on Thursday.

We had our monthly assembly. Congratulations to our HONESTY award winners who were selected by their peers this month.

We watched more of the dance videos after recess.

The students had Music class today with Mr. Rozehnal.

For Math, the students are learning to sketch the 2-D faces of 3-D shapes. During class, they worked from the Nelson Math 4 textbook, page 294. They have a worksheet to complete for homework.

In English, the students read another story from Cornerstones 4b (p.120-129) about the Middle Ages called Harald and the Giant.  










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