What did you do at school today? February edition

mercredi, le 1er février:

In français, the students completed some ER verb practice on Google classroom.

In Math, they reviewed elapsed time and analog clocks in preparation for the quiz on Friday.
In English, the students worked on their narratives about their Reading Buddies.

Don't forget that we are going skating tomorrow afternoon so anyone who has his/her own skates and/or helmets needs to bring them to school tomorrow.

jeudi, le 2 février:

In français, I taught the students how to tell the time in French.  We watched some videos about it before discussing it as a class and doing some in-class practice.  The videos are below:

We got fitted for helmets and that was the morning!  We had a great afternoon skating despite having a minor hiccup when we arrived (the arena was not ready and we needed to wait until someone could come out and get it ready for us).  They should be nice and tired for you tonight.  I was really impressed by the children's willingness to get out there and try to skate even if they have never done it before.  I am really looking forward to next week.  The arena is going to give us an extra half hour next time to make up for having less time today!!!

I have given the students some additional Math practice for them to help them prepare for the quiz tomorrow.

vendredi, le 3 février:

In français, we went to the lab to practise telling time en français.  Next we did some written practice on the Smart Board.  I have sent some additional practice home:

In Math, they had their Time quiz.  Some students have not finished and will have to complete the quiz on Monday.

In English, they worked on their narratives about their reading buddies.

lundi, le 6 février:

The students had Art and Library today.

We began la Danse today with an introduction to some of the vocabulary the students will be hearing and using for the rest of the year in Dance as it is one of the subjects taught in French.  Once we have a good grasp of the vocabulary, we will begin observing, evaluating, and creating different forms of dance.

Since I need the students to learn this vocabulary well in order to be able to use it effectively for the rest of the year, I am making these their spelling words for the upcoming week.  They should study the spelling and meaning of all words and be prepared for a test next Monday.

In Math, some of the students needed some extra time to complete their Time Measurement test.  Next, we began looking at some strategies for adding 4 digit numbers on Gizmos.  They did some practice questions from Nelson Math 4, page 96, #4, 5, 6, 8.  The majority of the class finished at school.

In English, they are still working on their narratives for their Reading Buddies.

mardi, le 7 février:

In français, we read a story called Au Secours.  We discussed the parts of a narrative (un récit) in French (les personnages, le problème, la solution, le cadre de lieu) and then the students identified the parts in our story before working on some Reading Comprehension questions.

At home, they should be reviewing their La Danse vocabulaire to be ready for their quiz on Monday.

Also, they are going to have a quiz on ER verbs next Tuesday and should be reviewing the verb endings at home.

In Math, we working in pairs on an open-ended question involving addition and subtraction.  We gathered together to discuss different strategies and methods for solving the problem which has more then one solution.  Here are the two levelled tasks:

mercredi, le 8 février:

In français, we played some review games for Quelle heure est-il?  and Les Verbes ER.  For additional practice, I have sent home an ER verb sheet.  I have also posted some links on our Google Classroom for them to do some online practice.

In Sciences Sociales, we watched a video of Les Plaine Interieures/Prairies, with a focus on the landforms and resources found there.

In Math, the students did some 4-digit addition practice in class.  Anyone who hasn't finished is expected to finish at home.

From:  Math-aids.com

From: Nelson Math

In English, I gave them a 1 hour work period to work on their narratives about their Reading Buddies.  The final good copy (coloured) is due next Wednesday so that I can bind it and then we will share them with our buddies.

Please note:  Tomorrow is our final skating day.  If your child has his/her own skates/helmet, please make sure he/she brings them to school.  The arena is giving us an extra half hour to skate this week due to the delay last week.

jeudi, le 9 février:

In français, we learned how to talk about our daily routines.  This connects with Quelles heure est-il?, les verbes ER, as well as la maison.  
They have more ER verb review for homework tonight.

In Math, we began Subtraction of 4-digit numbers with a focus on borrowing across zeroes.

from:  Math-aids.com

This afternoon we went skating again and we had a blast.  Everyone is very tired (including moi 😁)!

vendredi, le 10 février:

In français, we went to the computer lab to work on our review Kahoot! for les verses ER.  Next, we took up the homework from yesterday.  The quiz on this is next Tuesday.  More practice for the weekend:
The students had some time to review their vocabulaire de la danse for their quiz on Monday.

In Math, we did more subtraction questions from Nelson Math 4, page 96 all.

Almost all students finished this in class and have an additional practice sheet for the weekend.

In English, they continued to work on their narrative books.  These are due next Wednesday.

lundi, le 13 février:

This morning, the students participated in a lesson from a guest teacher on First Nations schools and Human Rights.  This is a topic we will be exploring more and more in depth in the upcoming weeks.  Ask them about what they learned in this morning's session.

In français, we reviewed les verbes ER for the quiz tomorrow.  I have given them some additional practice for home.  However, all they really need to know is the endings for the various subjects (je - e, tu - es, il/elle/le/la/l' - e, nous - ons, vous - ez, ils/elles/les - ent).

They also had their Vocabulaire de la Danse quiz.

In Math, we did some addition and subtraction work from Nelson Math 4, pages 115 - 116, #9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

I also gave them time to work on their narratives which are due on Wednesday.

REMINDER:  Forms for the trip to the Pan Am Centre are due tomorrow.  No cost for this trip unless you are a parent who wishes to join us (in which case, you will need to pay your own TTC fare on the day of the excursion).
Also, this Wednesday is the last day to submit forms and money for our next pizza lunch.

mardi, le 14 février:


In français, we did some La St. Valentin activities and learned a little about how Valentine's Day is celebrated.

The students wrote their test on les verbes ER and I was able to mark them during lunch and return them to the students.  Please ask them to see these as a few of them will need to have them signed and come in for some additional practice on this.  It really is just a matter of them taking the time to memorize the endings.

In Math, the students worked on some Valentine's themed addition and subtraction pages.  I am not assigning it for homework because they have their narratives due tomorrow BUT they may work on them at home if they wish.

In Language, the students worked on their narratives.  THESE ARE DUE TOMORROW AND ARE THE ONLY HOMEWORK I AM GIVING TONIGHT.

We had a half hour for Valentine Card exchange and goodies.

mercredi, le 15 février:

In français, we continued to talk about La Routine Quotidienne.  The students looked at some examples of two students' daily routines and answered some questions.  Then, they began writing about their own daily routines in French.

We went to the computer lab to do some listening practice on french-games.net for daily routine activities.

In Math, we began doing addition and subtraction with money.  We did some examples in class together and I have sent home some additional work for tonight.

In English, I collected their good copies of their books for their reading buddies.  I will be binding them and we will share them with our buddies on Monday.

Next, we are going to work on oral communication skills in English by presenting a speech for Black History Month.  The criteria can be found at the following link:

I have also given the students some useful websites to help them with their research:

jeudi, le 16 février:

In français, the students worked on an oral presentation using "La Routine Quoditienne" vocabulary.  We will continue to work on this next week.  They have to finish their written paragraph for "Decris Ta Routine" for Tuesday.

In English, they had more time to research and create their visual aids (slides) for their Black History Month project.  They are welcome to continue their research at home over the weekend.
We also began talking about Residential Schools and human rights to follow up with the lesson they began on Monday.  It is a topic we will be exploring deeper in the upcoming weeks.  I encourage you to talk about Residential School and First Nations in Canada with your children at home.

In Math, we took up our money questions from yesterday.  They have a quiz on Addition and Subtraction (including money) on Tuesday.  I have given them an additional practice sheet for home.  You can also help your child by creating 4-digit addition and subtraction questions for them.  *Try to provide them with questions which involve borrowing across zeroes and carrying as these tend to be the more challenging questions for them.

I hope you all enjoy a safe and fun Family Day holiday on Monday.  Spend some well-deserved time with your family.  See you on Tuesday.

mardi, le 21 février:

In français, the students worked in their groups to finish their scripts for the Ma Routine presentations.  We will present them next Monday to the class and they will have class time all this week to prepare.

In Sciences Sociales, we watched a video on La Cordillère de l'Ouest and noted the different land formations.

In Math, they had their quiz on addition and subtraction today so there is no homework!

In English, we went the the computer lab to work on our Black History Month projects.  They will have one more lab period and then they will have one week to prepare for their speech.  Speeches will begin next Tuesday and will probable take the week to finish.


Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day to stand up against bullying.  Everyone is encouraged to wear something pink.

This is just a reminder that we have our Pizza Lunch tomorrow and our excursion to the PanAm Centre on Thursday this week so the students will need to arrive at school by 8:00 am in order for us to leave the school by 8:15 to get there on time by TTC.

mercredi, le 22 février:

Today, the class had Library with Ms. McCann and Art with Mr. N.

In français, the students worked in their groups for one period to finish their scripts for the Ma Routine presentations.  We will present them next Monday to the class.

We did not switch for Science since it was Pizza Lunch day.

In Math, the students worked on an open-ended math problem on Google Classroom.  Then we began Multiplication.  It is expected that they all can do their multiplication tables to 9X9 by the end of Grade 4.  They are also expected to be able to solve real life problems involving the multiplication of 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.  Each class, we will be beginning with a Multiplication Minute. The hope is that as the unit goes on, each student will improve upon the number of questions he/she successfully finishes.
Today, we focused on how to use arrays to show fact families.  Then we did some work from Nelson Math 4, page 155, #4-8.


Grade 3:  page 223, #5-11

We also watched some videos on David Eng, the captain of the Canadian Men's Wheelchair Basketball team whom we will meet tomorrow on our excursion to the PanAm Centre.  Don't forget to pack a lunch for your child and have them at school by 8:00 am since we will be going by TTC.

jeudi, le 23 février:

Today, we went to the Pan Am Center and the flag bearer from the Rio Paralympic games (2016), David Eng, spoke to our students about the sport of wheelchair basketball and his life.  He was a very inspirational speaker and he gave everyone an autographed card with his picture on it and he posed with each individual student for a picture.  We watched a few other team members do a demonstration before eating our lunch.

After lunch, we had the privilege of watching Team Canada play against Team Japan.  It was an exciting game.  Unfortunately Canada lost the game but we kept it close and it was so great to watch. Your children were wonderful ambassadors for Emily Carr and behaved very well.

The Pan Am Center is a world class facility which offers many programs for families.  I highly recommend that you check out what's going on just down the street from us as you never know who might be playing/working there at any given time (very often, I have seen or met Olympic and Paralympic medalists at FREE events to the public).

When we returned to the school, I gave them some free time on the computers to reward them for behaving so well all day.  They were very respectful and mature.

NO HOMEWORK as we were gone for the majority of the day.

vendredi, le 24 février:

In français, the students had one last period to finish and rehearse their Ma Routine presentations which will be presented on Monday.  They should be practising their own lines over the weekend to be best prepared.

In Math, we took up the homework from Wednesday (p.155) and went over how to multiply 2-digit numbers by a single digit multiplier.  We will be doing a lot of practice in class over the next week on this.  Again, it is in your child's best interest to drill the multiplication tables up to 9x9 each night to help them gain confidence in Math and it will help them when we begin long division as well.  They have some homework questions for the weekend.

In English, I read them an excerpt from Red Wolf by Jennifer Dance about Residential Schools.  The students are completing a Venn diagram to compare our experience with the school system and either the school from Red Wolf or Shannen's school.

lundi, le 27 février:

In français, I gave the class some time to rehearse their presentations before actually performing them in front of the class.  All groups presented today.  Tomorrow we will begin learning about food vocabulary.

In Math, we took up the homework from the weekend and did some more practice multiplying larger numbers by single-digit numbers.  We also looked at how to find missing numbers in a multiplication problem.  There is additional practice for homework tonight.


In English, the students worked on their speeches and audio-visual presentations for Black History Month.  They will begin presenting their speeches on Wednesday and should have them memorized. They should be spending some time tonight and tomorrow night rehearsing at home.

mardi, le 28 février:

In Sciences Sociales, we are learning to compare 2 physical regions of Canada by using appropriate comparative language in French.  The students are working on a comparative paragraph by following a model which we examined together in class.  Here is the link to the comparative paragraph I gave them as an example, as well as some useful connecting words.


We had our monthly assembly today for Fairness.  Félicitations to our two winners this month!

In Math, we did some practice together and I assigned some additional practice for homework tonight.

In English, I gave the students the rubric which I will be using to grade their speeches starting tomorrow.  Then I gave them time to practise with a partner to prepare for tomorrow.  Here is a copy of the rubric:


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