What did you do at school today? January edition

Welcome back, everyone!  I hope you had a very restful holiday!

lundi, le 9 janvier:

In français, we discussed our holidays and learned how to write a personal letter.  The students are using the passé composé to talk about their activities.  We will continue our letters tomorrow in class.

In Math, we reviewed the uses for different units of linear measurement and we talked about how to estimate lengths reasonably.  They have some review questions to finish from Nelson Math 4, page 132, #1-7.

In Health, Mr. N. has sent home some work to be completed by Thursday's class.

In English, we learned about the parts of a newspaper article.  We read 2 examples together and began to identify the elements in each.

Upcoming in English:  next Thursday, January 19, 2017, the students will have a test on their entire novel.  That means that they will need to finish the remaking chapters between now and then.

mardi, le 10 janvier:

In français, the students had a work period to complete their "lettres" from yesterday.  Any who didn't finish in class will need to complete it for homework.

In Sciences Sociales, we learned about some of the products which. Canada exports to other countries.

In Math, we took up the work on measurement from the textbook together in class. Next the students worked on a gizmo from http://explorelearning.com
related to area and perimeter.

In English, we reviewed the newspaper article that we read yesterday called Students Grow Flying Sauce and we deconstructed the article looking for the different elements of a newspaper article.
Since one of the criteria for writing a newspaper article is to include quotations, we will be spending a few days learning how to use quotation marks properly in sentences. For homework tonight, I have given the students a worksheet which explains the different uses of quotation marks and includes some additional practice for them.

mercredi, le 11 janvier:

In français, the students researched the vocabulary for "La Maison" (places and things found in most homes).  We compiled a list of vocabulary together and then the students began designing their own "Maison Parfaite" (their ideal/dream home).  Once designed, they will label the items and rooms inside their homes in French.  We will be working on this topic for several class periods.
It is not homework, but they may work on it a home if they wish.  It is also a good idea for them to start reviewing the vocabulary as well.

In Sciences Sociales, we began to take up the Canada's exports sheet from yesterday.  The students are now the ones who take on the "professeur" role when we take things up...they ask the questions in French and write the answers on the Smart board.  They are becoming more and more independent each day!!!

In Math, we reviewed the concept of Perimeter with some Prodigy activities.  I have assigned some questions from Nelson Math, page 134 - 135, #3-6 for homework.

In English, we took up the quotations sheet from yesterday.  Next, the students reviewed the parts of a newspaper story and they are beginning to write their own article.  Outline and rough copies are due on Friday, January 13.

jeudi, le 12 janvier:

In français, the students worked on their "Maison" designs.  They will have one more work period tomorrow and will hand the completed, labelled houses by Monday, January 16.

In Sciences Sociales, we finished taking up the Canada's exports sheet we began yesterday.  The students should make sure they are fully understanding what all of the products and resources are in French.

In Science, Ms. Takahashi returned their Light quizzes.  Please sign them to indicate that you have seen them.

In Math, we took up the homework from yesterday together on the Smart Board and I gave them some additional practice to finish at home.  We will be having a Measurement quiz next Wednesday, January 18 on units, converting units, and perimeter.

In English, the students are still working on their own newspaper articles.  I will be going over their outline and rough copies tomorrow.

vendredi, le 13 janvier:

The students had Art this morning and they are still working on their perspective designs.

In français, the students worked on their "Maison" and will need to finish up the labels this weekend.  It is due for submission on Monday.

In Science, the students need to finish up their Light experiment for next class.

In Math, we did some practice finding the perimeter of shapes which are more complex (composite) but are still made up of rectangles.  I have sent home some additional practice for homework.

Try these links if you are having trouble with the Math:
Perimeter help
More Perimeter Help

In English, the students finished their plan/rough copies of their newspaper articles and they submitted them electronically to me.  *Reminder that they have their novel test next Thursday.

lundi, le 16 janvier:

In français, we learned the verb être.

Next, we learned some common activities that can be done in each room of the house.

In Sciences Sociales, we learned about the petroleum industry and products made from oil.

 In Math, we reviewed for our upcoming test on Wednesday. They should know the different units, how to move from one unit to another, as well as the perimeter of rectangles.  We worked in Nelson Math 4, pages 140-141, #1-8. 

In English, I returned their rough copies or plans with comments. They worked on their good copies today. Those who did not finish will finish for homework.next, we began our spelling words of the week for week number 10. Sentences and definitions are due on Wednesday.

 mardi, le 17 janvier:

In français, we reviewed the verb être.  Then, the students began working on a French drama presentation which will include the parts of a house, the verb être and typical activities you would do in various rooms of a house.  They will be writing the script over the next few days in class.  They will present the dramas next Tuesday.

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the oil industry and discussed different economic sectors associated with natural resources (ex.  The primary sector is usually the resource in its natural form, the secondary sector often involves changing the natural resource or improving it, etc.)

In Music, Mr. Rozehnal is teaching them about the value of notes (how many beats does each note represent?).  They will have a test next Wednesday, January  25.

In Math, we took up the homework together and reviewed from page 143, #1-7 for the quiz tomorrow.

In English, it was a "finish up" period to complete their news article good copies, their spelling, and to review with their novel groups for their upcoming quiz on Thursday, January 19.

A reminder that the girls from the basketball team will be going to the Raptors 905 game tomorrow and they MAY not get back to the school in time for the bus pick up.  Any girls on the basketball team who do take the bus home normally need to make alternate arrangement just in case they get back to school late.

mercredi, le 18 janvier:

In français, the students continued to work on writing their script for their La Maison dramas.

In Math, we had our Measurement Test.  I have marked them and returned them.  Ask your child to see his/her test tonight.

In Sciences Sociales, the students did a cross word in which they had to translate the different products made from oil.

In English, we looked at proper paragraph structure.  They are currently working on an assignment on Google Docs.

A reminder that they have their novel test tomorrow.  They should spend some time tonight reviewing the important parts of each chapter.

Also, this is another reminder that Friday, January 20 is a PA Day.  No school for students.

jeudi, le 19 janvier:

In français, the students continued to work on writing their script for their La Maison dramas.  They will be presenting the dramas on Tuesday, January 24 and should practise their own parts over the weekend.

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the products made from oil.  They will have a quiz next Thursday on the "Comment on transforme le petrole" sheets.

In Math, they did a Gizmo on Measuring Trees.  They examined how the rings of a tree can tell you about the age of a tree as well as the precipitation in any given year.  I am sending home some measurement review for the weekend for extra practice.

In Language, they had their Novel tests today.  They were submitted and graded on Google Forms so your child already knows his / her mark and can share that with you.
We have our Spelling test for Week 10 on Monday.

Don't forget that tomorrow is a PA Day so there is no school for the students.

lundi, le 23 janvier:

The students had Art and Library today.

In français, they completed their scripts and began to rehearse their Ma Maison dramas.  They will be presenting them to he class tomorrow so they should be rehearsing their own lines at home tonight.

In Math, we began learning about measurement of time.  Today, we talked about years, decades, centuries and millennia.  We did some practice in class together. 
 If you want to do additional practice questions at home, you can ask them to calculate the answers to questions like:

Madame Bush was born 4 and a half decades ago.  When was she born?  or
In 2 decades, Tom will turn 64.  How old is he now?

OR you can go to the Nelson Math site and do some practice there:
Measuring Time - Decade, Century, Millennium

In English, we had our weekly spelling test and the students helped me create this week's list which includes useful transition words that they can use in their paragraph writing.  *Some of their words this week are repeats from previous lists so they should have NO difficulty spelling them!!** This week, they will use their words in a paragraph.  The paragraph and definitions are due on Wednesday.

mardi, le 24 janvier:

In français, the students performed their drama presentations.

In Social Studies, the students researched the wood/forestry industry and the products and jobs created by the industry.

In Math, we began calculating elapsed time (the amount of time that passes between the start time and end time).  We did some work together on the smart board, followed by individual practice.  Any unfinished work from class today is homework.

In English, we read an article about Energy from the Tides to reinforce some of what we have been discussing in Social Studies.  The students will be working to write a well-written paragraph (using the criteria from last week) about their recommendations for the tidal turbines in the Bay of Fundy so I have asked them to think of advantages and disadvantages of putting tidal turbines in.


mercredi, le 25 janvier:

In français, the Grade 7 and 8 students from Mlle Ibrahim's class came to our class to teach the students some lessons they have prepared.  The students worked one on one and it was an excellent learning opportunity for both classes.  Ask your child what they learned from his/her Grade 7/8 buddy today.

In Sciences Sociales, we reviewed the topics which will be covered on tomorrow's quiz.  It will be strictly on le petrole.

In Music, the students had their test on note value.

In Math, we took up the Elapsed Time work from yesterday as a class.  They have more practice tonight and I have posted some fun and useful links on our Google Classroom for the students if they have time and access to a computer at home.

We also had a special visitor in our class today from Pizza Nova.  She came and taught us how they make their pizza and about the food groups.  It was a lot of fun preparing the pizza dough.  At the end, she left us all with a little treat...PIZZA FOR EVERYONE!!!!

If they didn't get enough pizza today, this is a reminder that tomorrow is PIZZA lunch day.

jeudi, le 26 janvier:

In français, we did a listening activity to distinguish between avoir et être, as well as to review the parts of a house.

In Sciences Sociales, the students did their quiz on Le Pétrole.  Many students are struggling.  I highly recommend that they be reading their notes and using a dictionary to understand the meaning of words they don't understand on a nightly basis.

In Math, we went over some questions on Elapsed Time together as it is a rather difficult concept and will require a significant amount of practice to acquire.  They have some word problems involving Elapsed Time to do at home tonight.

In English, we reviewed how to write an effective paragraph and then they began planning their paragraphs about Tidal Energy.  They should have their ideas ready for tomorrow as we will be going to the Computer Lab to print out good copies for display outside of our classroom.

vendredi, le 27 janvier:

In français today, we reviewed ER verbs. The students will be practising these verb forms for the next week.  They can be reviewing the endings at home.

In Math, we took up the elapsed time questions from yesterday together.  I have them more practice for homethis weekend.

In English, the students typed their good copies of their paragraphs on tidal turbines.  
They have their spelling test on Monday for Week 11.

lundi, le 30 janvier:

The students had Art and Library today.

In Sciences Sociales, we looked at the physical (landform) regions of Canada.  They are:  la Cordillere de l'Ouest, le Bouclier Canadien, Les Plaines, Les Basses-Terres de la Baie Hudson et l'Arctique, Les Basses-Terres du St.-Laurent, La Chaine Inuitienne (l'Arctique), et Les Appalaches.
Today, we identified their approximate location on a map of Canada and tomorrow, we will examine specific characteristics of each zone.

In Math, the students worked on a Challenge involving elapsed time.  They worked with a partner to try to solve the problem.  They do not have any Math homework tonight unless they want to think about the question before presenting their solutions to the class tomorrow.

In English, we had our Spelling test for week 11.  I am not assigning a new word list this week as the week is full of other activities including Skating and an assembly.
We discussed the parts of a narrative (characters, setting, plot, problem, solution) and they began writing their own narratives about their reading buddies.  This will be a project that will take some time to complete as they will be creating and illustrating a "published" book to share with their buddies once complete.

A reminder that we will be skating on Thursday afternoon.  If your child has his/her own skates and CSA approved helmet, make sure they bring them on Thursday.  I will be taking the rest of the students to the skate room tomorrow to fit them for skates to borrow.

mardi, le 31 janvier:

In français today we went to the lab to do some online ER verb practice.  The ER verbs make up the majority of the verbs in French and are used daily so I highly recommend that the students learn the forms by heart.  I have sent home some practice to do for homework.

We had our monthly assembly this morning which cut into our Sciences Sociales time.

In Math, we took up yesterday's challenge question together.  I have given them some additional review sheets for tonight and tomorrow night to help prepare for their quiz on Friday.  The quiz will include decades, centuries, millennia, time on an analog clock, and elapsed time.

We went to the skate room to get our skates for Thursday.  I can't wait to see the kids on the ice.  It is always such a great experience!

We ran out of time with all the interruptions and skate fitting, so we did not have a chance to work on our narratives.  They will be given time in class tomorrow.


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