
Showing posts from October, 2016

Important Dates to Remember for November

Friday, November 11, 2016:  Remembrance Day, we will be holding a short, respectful ceremony to honour those who have fallen.  Time: 10:30 am Tuesday, November 15, 2016:  Progress Reports go home. Thursday, November 17, 2016 (pm) and Friday, November 18, 2016 (am):  Parent/Teacher Interviews - note that there is no school for students on Friday due to these interviews Thursday, November 17, 2016:  Photo  Retakes Monday, November 28, 2016:  Parent Council Meeting - all parents are welcome to attend (6:30 pm) Wednesday, November 30, 2016:  Deadline for Pizza Pizza lunch orders  *The Pizza Lunch will take place on Thursday, December 8, 2016. Wednesday, November 30, 2016:  Monthly Character Trait assembly at 10:30 in the Gym.  This month's character trait is:  EMPATHY

What did you do at school today? NOVEMBER edition

mardi, le 1er novembre: We began the day in the computer lab.  We are learning to use PowerPoint to make a slideshow presentation which we will be doing in a few weeks in Social Studies.  Today was just getting familiar with the program and testing out different effects. In français, the students used one period to practice and prepare for their weather forecasts.  In order to be most effective, they will need to memorize their presentation.   *Presentations will take place on Monday next week rather than this Friday so they can use the weekend to memorize. In Études Sociales, we spent some time learning how to use a French/English dictionary properly to help them when reading new Social Studies texts in French.  We continued to learn about the main industries in Nova Scotia. In Science, Ms. Takahashi has them working on creating their own Science games. In Math, we learned how to use a protractor to measure and draw angles.  This will require a lot of practice for the students to beco