
Showing posts from May, 2017


From: Thursday, May 4, 2017:  STEAM Fair Parent Open House 6 - 7 pm Monday, May 8, 2017:  Hammer Band concert at Alexander Stirling PS 6 - 7 pm. Monday, May 15, 2017:  Birchmount area track meet Schedule for Birchmount on May 15 in case you want to go watch: Thursday, May 25, 2017:  Pizza lunch  ***All forms and money due by Wednesday, May 17, 2017.*** Monday, May 29, 2017:  Parent Council Meeting 6:30 - 7:30 pm Wednesday, May 31, 2017:  Monthly Character Assembly - time TBA

What did you do at school today? MAY EDITION

  lundi, le 1er mai: In fran çais, we had our IR verb quiz. I was able to mark them over lunch so your child already has his/her results. Ask to see the quiz. Next, the students had 2 work periods to work on their Ancient Civilizations projects from last week.   In Science, they worked on their Habitat projects which are due May 10. In Math, we reviewed naming fractions and representing fractions in images. The students had Phys. Ed. today. In English, we had our Bridge to Terabithia Spelling and Vocabulary test.  Next, the students are working on some comprehension questions from chapters 4 - 8 on Google Classroom to help them prepare well for their Comprehension Test on Chapters 1 - 8 on Wednesday, May 3. mardi, le 2 mai: In fran çais, we did a listening test where the students needed to identify various subjects and verb forms they heard in a