
Showing posts from April, 2017

What did you do at school today? APRIL edition

lundi, le 3 avril: Today was a bit of a different day.  I had to chaperone the Safety Patrollers on their excursion, so my students were spread out across different classes today.  I prepared a package of French, Social Studies, Math, and Language activities for them to do throughout the day. Upon my return to the school, the students returned to class and we worked on finishing our Middle Ages vocabulary which the students will be using to write a narrative which takes place in the Middle Ages.  It is based on the story they read last Friday called Harald and the Giant, in which the characters are reversed (the knight is the bad guy and the giant is the good guy).  The students will be writing their stories over the next few days and then they will be sharing them with the class for an Oral Reading mark.   Due to the different nature of the day, there is NO HOMEWORK tonight.  Enjoy the night off! mardi, le 4 avril: We began our day in the Computer lab playing Ka