
Showing posts from February, 2017

What did you do at school today? February edition

mercredi, le 1er février: In français, the students completed some ER verb practice on Google classroom. In Math, they reviewed elapsed time and analog clocks in preparation for the quiz on Friday. In English, the students worked on their narratives about their Reading Buddies. Don't forget that we are going skating tomorrow afternoon so anyone who has his/her own skates and/or helmets needs to bring them to school tomorrow. jeudi, le 2 février: In français, I taught the students how to tell the time in French.  We watched some videos about it before discussing it as a class and doing some in-class practice.  The videos are below: We got fitted for helmets and that was the morning!  We had a great afternoon skating despite having a minor hiccup when we arrived (the arena was not ready and we needed to wait until someone could come out and get it ready for us).  They should be nice and tired for you tonight.  I was really impressed by the chil