Welcome back, everyone! I hope you had a very restful holiday! lundi, le 9 janvier: In français, we discussed our holidays and learned how to write a personal letter. The students are using the passé composé to talk about their activities. We will continue our letters tomorrow in class. In Math, we reviewed the uses for different units of linear measurement and we talked about how to estimate lengths reasonably . They have some review questions to finish from Nelson Math 4, page 132, #1-7. In Health, Mr. N. has sent home some work to be completed by Thursday's class. In English, we learned about the parts of a newspaper article. We read 2 examples together and began to identify the elements in each. Upcoming in English: next Thursday, January 19, 2017, the students will have a test on their entire novel. That means that they will need to finish the remaking chapters between now and then. mardi, le 10 janvier: In français, the students had a work...